The Traveler

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My next featured inspirational story is a funny story, for a change! Heheh.. But of course there's still lesson you can get from it...

Here it goes...

THERE WAS A TRAVELER who was crossing a desert... Unexpectedly, he was trapped by a sand storm in the middle of his journey... So he decided to stay for awhile until the storm ceased... He built a small tent and immediately got inside to hide himself from the storm, leaving his naughty Camel outside...

As night getting closer, the storm was also getting stronger... While the Traveler was fast asleep inside the tent, his naughty Camel called him..

"Master! Master! can you please let me in?" cried the Camel..

"Im sorry, this tent is too small for the two of us, it might get ruined if i will let you in...!" answered the Traveler.

The Camel, thought of a way on how he could get inside...and smiled silently!

Now, he called again his Master..

"Master! Master! Can you please make a small hole in your tent for me, and please let my nose in, even just my nose, please!" cried the Camel..

His Master didnt answer him, maybe he was fast asleep already, so he decided to called again..

"Master! Master! I can't take it anymore, i can't breath! My nose! My nose is already full of sand! Can you please let me in, even just my nose?" plead the Camel.

His Master pitied him, so he immediately made a small hole fit only for his nose and let it in!

The naughty Camel, smiled silently... After an hour he woke his Master up again..

"Master! Master!!! My eyes!!! I cant open my eyes any more!!!" cried the Camel.


"Some particles of sand got inside my eyes!!! I cant see any more!!!"

So the Traveler, made the hole bigger, to keep the Camel's eyes inside to hide from the sand storm...

Hours past and the Camel called again...

"Master!!! Master!!!!!" he cried!


"Master!!! Master!!! Please help me! My ears are so painful! An amount of sand got into my ear!!! I cant hear anymore!!! Huhuhuhuh!!!!" cried the Camel!

The Traveler was moved! So he made the hole much bigger fit for the Camel's whole head to fit inside...

The Camel smiled broadly as he gazed inside the tent...

"If only i could got my whole body inside this tent, i can sleep peacefully like him!" he thought to himself.

So he called again his Master...

This time in a sweet voice!

"Master!!! Master!!!"

"What again!!!" answered his Master feeling annoyed already!

"Master, can you spare me another thing?"


"Can you please let my butt in?" said the Camel with a smile..

"No!" answered his Master..

"Please Master! This my last request for you, after that, i won't bother you anymore.. Please let my butt in! My stomach is already aching!!! Please!!! Please!!!!" plead the Camel!

The Traveler has nothing to do but to grant his request, in order for the Camel to stop bothering him once and for all..

He immediately got up and tried making the hole bigger and bigger until the Camel fit inside...

The Camel smiled broadly as he made himself fit inside! Without saying any words, he kicked his Master and thrown him outside the tent!

"Now i can sleep better!!!" he whispered with a naughty smile on his face!


The Traveler in the story represent Men while the naughty Camel represent the Devil...

There are times in our lives when some people are just using us to satisfy their needs... We already give what they need, but still they are not contented, they will keep on coming back and asked and asked! And they will not stop until they will get everything we have! This people are selfish people who only think for themselves!

Sometimes, its good to give or to share what we have but there should be limitations.. If ever we noticed that they are already abusing us, well, its already a different story! Am i right, dear friends?


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