Pica, the hyper chick

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One day mother Henny Penny asked her chicks...

"My dear chicks, who wants to go with me to the riverside?" she asked!

"Suddenly, when the chicks heared it, they jump with so much joy...

"Mother, me, i will go with you...!!!" said the hyper chick named Pica!

"Mother, we also, we want to go with you!" said the others while flapping their wings...

Everyone jumped with joy and so excited to stroll at the riveside...

"Okey, my dear chicks, listen! I will allow all of you to go with me to the riverside but in one condition!" said Henny Penny.

"What condition, dear Mother?" asked Pica!

"No one will go down to the river! Everyone will just stay on the land..!"

"Oh, okey, no problem dear Mother Henny!" they said to her.

When they reached the riverside, the chicks were so delighted of the cool breeze and the beautiful views..

"Wow! Its a beautiful place here! I have never seen a place like this before...!" exclaimed Pica!

Suddenly, Pica saw a mother Swan and her ducklings floating on the water... She was so amazed and thought to herself...

"I wonder whats the feeling floating on the water!"

So she asked her mother..

"Mother lets go to the middle of the water...!"

"Pica, its dangerous for us to go in the middle of the water! We will all die!" said mother Henny Penny.

"But why is it mother Swan can float in the middle of the water? Why can't we? We are just the same! They have feathers, we have feathers too! The have two feet, we have two feet too! They have wings, we have wings too! Why can't we go in the middle of the water like them?" asked Pica..

Mother Henny Penny explained to her..

"Pica, we, chicken, we are born in this world with the ability to walk and to fly only on the land... The Swan is different from us although we just belong in the same race.. Swan has the ability to float and swim on the water and at the same time they can also fly and walk on the land..!"

Pica felt so disappointed of what she heard from her mother..

"It so unfair!!! Why can't we be the same like them!!!" she murmured!

"Okey dear chicks, come with me lets stroll over there...!" told Henny Penny..

All the chicks followed her except Pica..

Pica hide herself from the tree! She waited until her mother disappeared! When the latter noticed her mother was gone, she immediately tried to go down the water... She wants to prove herself if she will really die as her mother told them..

"Wow! Its a relaxing feeling here, i love it!! Wooohhh!!!" exclaimed Pica while moving her feet on the water...

She jump and play on the water until she felt she was already moving far from the shore.. She noticed she cant already felt the sand beneath her feet and later on she got drawned!

Moral Lesson:

People sometimes, they are not contented of who they are, and what they have in life... They can't accept the fact that others are much better! They can't accept that others have more guts than them... They felt insecure...

This short story i shared to you will teach you lesson to be humble! Learned to accept what you are and what you have... Give thanks to God whatever blessings you have whether its big or small! Avoid to feel insecure if others has much more blessings than you..

INSECURITIES can kill you...!

-marwa angela enrique

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