The One-eyed Woman And Her Son

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Hi Lovelies,

I am happy to be writing here again... Sorry for updating very late, i am just a little bit busy... Any way, i have another very inspiring story for you, guys! This is all about a mother's love. Honestly, im dedicating this to all Moms out there and to all as well who has a Mom as we celebrate Mother's Day 2015 all over the world. This is a very heart piercing story, so please hold back your tears.. Here it goes...

There was a teenage son named Adrian who was living together with his one-eyed mother in a small village. Adrian was always ashamed showing her mother to the public because of her ugly look... Whenever he noticed people were going to pass by their house, he would always dragged his mother inside their room and hide her there.
One day Adrian's classmates decided to surprised him a visit... So they came to his house without his consent..

"Knock!!! Knock!!!"

His mother slowly opened the door...

"Who's there?"

Adrian's friends looked at each other with questions in their eyes.

"Is that Adrian's mother? She look like a beggar!" One friend whispered. And the others made an annoying laugh.

"Um, we're looking for Adrian, is he there?" the other friend asked her.

"Yes, he is here! Wait, i will call him!" Adrian's mother smiled at them.

Just when she turned to called him, she didnt noticed her son was already behind her with an angry face and told her to get inside the room.

"Dude, who is that ugly blind woman who opened the door?" one of his friends looked at him with a sarcastic smile.

"Ah, she is just my maid!' her son lied to them.

"Hahahahahh!!! We were just thinking she is your Mom!" his friends laughed at him and annoyed him.

"No way!" Adrian asnwered in an annoyed voice.

Adrian got so mad. After his friends left the house, he called his mother angrily and confronted her.

"See what have you done? How many times i will tell you, just stay inside the house, don't show your ugly face to anyone, ha? Adrian shouted at his mother infront of her face.

His mother, didnt say anything, with head down.

'My friends are laughing at me because of you! Youre such a big disgrace in my life! I hate you!!!" he shouted at her with full of anger in his face!

His mother was just silent with head bow down. Silent tears fell from her eyes, as he heard her son spoke painful words to her, showing disrespect.

"Get out from this house, now! Leave me alone!!!"

Adrian dragged his one-eyed mother outside the house and pushed her so hard several times into the dark street, until she fell down to the ground helplessly.

"Go away from me! Dont show your ugly face again!!! her Son drove her away like a dog..

Years past, Adrian got his own family and live a cozy life. But one day when he was driving home from work, he met a car accident and his left eye got so much affected. The doctor said the inner part of his eye was damaged and need to undergo eye transplant as soon as possible. Adrian became hopeless, since eye donor in that time was so hard to find.. But one morning, the attending physician came to his room with a good news...

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