A Moment With God

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Hello Dear Readers...

Good day!
Allow me to share with you this beautiful story that really touched my heart and made me cry.. This is one of the most beautiful spiritual story i have read in the face of Wattpad.. And i have two thumbs up for the owner of this story, SnowyRanger, for writing this piece. Im sure everyone who will read it, will be inspired! The story goes this way...

One night i have dreamed i was walking in a beautiful garden somewhat like "Eden" . Everything i saw and wherever i turned my gaze, lies beautiful flowers so alive and full of life..It looked like there was someone who was tending them with love and care.. Every plants in the garden were so healthy, you could never see withered or dried leaves on them.. All the flowers were blooming with grace!

As i walked further more i heard a soft angelic voice above me...

"Each of the flowers you see, represent the heart of all God's Children!"

I turned my gaze upward and i saw an Angel. Her eyes looked like blue crystal and her hair was like a silky threads of gold. Her long white dress was adorned with golden beads.. She smiled at me as she held my hand.. I stared at her beautiful face while we continued walking throughtout the beautiful garden..

"Is this the Garden of Eden?" i asked her.

The Angel quickly nodded at me while showing me the vast of beautiful flowers...

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