The Story of Freddie, The Leaf

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Story dedicated to Klicel

Dear Readers,

Freddie the Leaf is one of a kind inspirational story that really touched my heart and it really brought tears to my eyes... I bought this small book from a National Bookstore 10 years ago! Until now, i never got tired of reading it over and over again especially when i felt hard times in my life...

@klicel, this story is dedicated to you, hope you liked it! Here it goes...

THERE WAS ONCE a leaf named Freddie... He first appeared in Spring as a small sprout on a large branch near the top of a tall tree. As days go by, he grown large, his mid section became wide and strong and his five extentions became firm and pointed..

Freddie was sorrounded by hundreds of other leaves just like himself. Soon he discovered that no two leaves were alike, eventhough they were on the same tree. Alfred was next to him. Ben was the leaf on his right side and Clare was the lovely leaf over head. They had all grown up together. They had learned to dance in the Spring breezes, bask lazily in the Summer sun and wash off in the cooling rains..

But it was Daniel who was Freddie's bestfriend! He was the large leaf on the limb and seemed to have been there before anyone else. It appeared to Freddie that Daniel was also the wisest among them. It was Daniel who told them that they were a part of a tree. It was also him who explained that they were growing in a public park, and the tree had strong roots which were hidden in the ground below. He explained about the birds who came to sit on their branches and sing morning songs. He also explained the sun, the moon, the stars and the seasons!

Freddie loved being a leaf. He loved his branch, his light leafy friends, his place high in the sky, the wind the jostled him about, the sun rays that warmed him, the moon that covered him soft white shadows! Summer had been especially nice. The long hot days felt good and the warm nights were peaceful and dreamy!

Freddie especially liked the old people. They sat so quietly on the cool grass and hardly ever moved. They talked in whispers of time past. The children were fun too, eventhough they sometimes tore holes in the bark of the tree or carved their names on it. Still it was fun to watch them moved so fast and laughed so much!

But Freddie's summer soon passed. It vanished on an October night. Cold wind blown hard that night and all the leaves shivered with the cold! They were coated with a thin layer of white snow which quickly melted and left them dew drenched and sparkling in the morning sun! Again, it was Daniel who explained to them that they had experienced their first frost, the sign that it was Fall and the Winter would come soon...

Soon the whole tree, in fact the whole park was transformed into a blaze color... There was hardly a green leaf left! Alfred had turned a deep yellow. Ben had come a bright orange. Clare had become a blazing red. Daniel, a deep purple and Freddie became red, gold and blue! How beautiful they looked, they had made the tree looked rainbow!

"Why did we turned different colors, when we are on the same tree?" Freddie asked.

"Each of us is different. We had different experiences. We have faced the sun differently." Daniel said.

One day, a very strange thing happend! A strong wind came and started pulling and pushing their stems like it was so angry! This caused some leaves to be torn from their branches and swept up in the wind, toosed about and dropped softly to the ground... All the leaves became frightened!

"What's happening?" they asked each other in whispers.

"Its what happens in Fall!" Daniel told them.

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