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Imagine for Stephaniejungg

I have lost my ability to even^

Warning: Total sadness

You stand in the kitchen of your disheveled apartment that you shared with your boyfriend, Jeonghan. He was still in bed, which was normal for him these days. You were nearly done with his breakfast of pancakes, something he liked. You didn't have anything for yourself but you ignore your rumbling stomach. Jeonghan had been so down lately that all you wanted to do was try to cheer him up. Maybe he would crack a smile today.

You put the pancakes on a plate which was on a tray. You picked it up and walked to the tiny bedroom you both shared. He was lying in bed, turned away from you. His hair was all over the pillow is a silky mess. You walk up and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Hey. You awake?" You whisper to him.

You see his head nodding, but he doesn't say anything. You sigh and reach out to stroke his hair.

"I have some breakfast for you. Do you want it?" You start threading your fingers through his hair but he shrugs you away.

"No. You have it. I don't want it." He says, turning around. He stays laying down, looking up at you.

"Well, we could share-"

"Just leave it, Y/N."

He starts to turn around but you quickly put the tray down at the end of the bed and turn him back. You look at the bags under his eyes and you can tell his hasn't slept well again. He struggles to turn back around but you hold onto him.

"You should get up, Jeonghan. Nothing good comes from staying in bed all day." You tell him.

"Let go of me." He says in a dangerously low voice.

You sigh and let him go. He turns back around and brings the sheets up closer around his shoulders. You stare at the back of his head, resisting the urge to comfort him.

"This won't bring them back, Jeonghan." You say softly. He doesn't respond and you sigh.

Nothing had been the same since Seventeen broke up a few months ago. It had been nearly 5 years since their debut and the boys were older now, no longer the cute rookies everybody knew and loved. They had fought behind the scenes of shows, the stress of performing causing them to get angry. It was something none of the fans knew about.

Jeonghan had a serious argument with Seungcheol, his best friend, which broke the group apart for good. Now they had all gone their separate ways and Jeonghan only had you left. Seventeen's split had broken his heart, especially as he hadn't seen any of them in so long.

You knew it was them he really wanted, not you, and you knew you had to try and get Seungcheol to come back, make them friends again. Except, you didn't know what would happen to you. All he wanted was the return of his best friend and the thing that was holding you back from reuniting them was the fear that he'd leave you for them in a heartbeat. But you starting to run out of options. He was miserable and you could see that clearly.

"I'll.... I'll leave you alone." You get up and bring the tray with you. He doesn't say a word as you leave.

You quickly put pancakes back on the table and pick up your phone. You scroll down to Seungcheol's name on your contact list. You take a deep breath and select his name. You bring the phone up to your ear as you listen to his phone ring. He picks up after a while.

"Hello?" He says.

It was weird to hear his voice again. He sounds bitter and you immediately missed the adorable guy from so many years ago. You take another breath and answer.

Seventeen Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें