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Imagine for PeaceLoveandExo

The doorbell rang and you ran to answer it, eager to see your date on the other side. The boy of your dreams had finally asked you on a date. To say you were excited was an understatement.

Yanking the door open you looked at your date from head to toe. In your opinion he was a little underdressed. He was wearing a scruffy top and ripped jeans. You were wearing a casual dress with heels. Were you supposed to dress down or something?

Nervously you said, "Hey." Your date didn't even give you a second glance. Your confidence was slowly decreasing.

He kept rudely looking down at his phone while he said, "Are you ready to go?"

You nodded your head and he started walking to his car, not even waiting for you. Did you do something wrong? This was definitely not how you planned for your date to play out. You grabbed your bag and climbed into the car, which he started and sped down the road.

He turned up the radio so high that you could hardly think. You thought of something to say.

"So, um, are you looking forward to this date?" You asked and turned to him smiling.

He didn't reply and you called his name. He looked at you like you'd disturbed him from listening to his music. "What?"

You suppressed your anger and repeated your question. "Oh, I was just asking if you were looking forward to tonight?"

"Uh, yeah. Oh, by the way I have to leave early because my friends coming over." He stared at the road and nodded his head to the beat of the music. You were being replaced by his friend on your first date? Couldn't he see his friend another time?

You stayed quite for the rest of the ride. He parked outside a fancy restaurant and got out of the car. You sat in the car for a few seconds and tried to keep your anger under control.

"Are you coming or what?" He said as he yanked the door open and slammed it shut. God, he was definitely not the same person as the one you'd had a crush on for years.

Once the two of you were sat at your table, there was an awkward silence. You grabbed a menu and buried your head in it. You kept peeking over the top to look at your date, but he kept looking at his phone. That ignorant piece of-

"Is there anything I can get you?" You looked up at the waiter and were surprised to see a boy from your school. His name was Mingyu, you think. He looked as equally surprised to see you.

"Uh, yeah. Could I have a Coke and... I don't know how to pronounce this-" You pointed at the fancy food and laughed. Mingyu nodded and wrote it down smiling at you. He then looked over at your date and asked what he'd like, but your date wasn't paying attention. He was still on his phone. You called his name irritated and he glared at you.

"Yeah I'll have this-" he points, "and a beer. Make it quick because I have to be somewhere." He said this all to Mingyu without looking at him. You were starting to question why you were even there. You apologised to Mingyu and he smiled at you and walked away.

You looked at your date and tried to make small talk. "This is a very nice restaurant you've taken me to." You looked around. It was very fancy.

"Yeah, I go here all the time. The last time I went with my ex-girlfriend." He said. How dare he talk about her on a date?! You again resisted the urge to slap him. You coughed uncomfortably. Your eyes wandered to the specials bored and you sucked in a breath.

"Wow, the foods really expensive here!" You gaped at him.

"Oh yeah! That reminds me I forgot my wallet. You don't mind paying, do you?" He picked up his phone again.

This time you couldn't keep your mouth shut.

"Did your parents ever teach you common curtesy?" You grabbed his phone and smiled at him with irritation.

"What did you just say to me?" He asked with disbelief. "And give my phone back!"

He tried to snatch it out of your hands but you 'tsk'd' him. "I will after I see what's been keeping you interested on here." You unlocked his phone to see he'd been texting his Ex. Your mouth dropped open. "How dare you talk to your Ex when your on a date with someone else!"

Everyone went quite and you realised that you'd spoken a bit too loudly. At that exact moment Mingyu came over with your drinks. He tripped and the drinks spilt all over your date's clothes. He let out a yell.

"What are you doing!? I have to meet someone after this!" He tried to rub the liquid off of him.

"I don't know it just felt right. You don't ever treat a girl the way I saw you treat
Y/N." He gave him a death glare and you couldn't believe what he'd just said.

"You know her?" Your date asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, and I'd never treat her the way you just treated her." He whispered to him, his voice was so steely you shivered.

"Take her if you think you can treat her better! It's not like you have a job anymore after what you just did." Your date yelled.

You stood there wondering how everything had escalated so quickly.

"I don't care about my job!" Mingyu took off his apron thing and grabbed your hand. "Come on Y/N, he doesn't deserve you." With that the two of you walked out of the restaurant.

You two walked hand in hand for a couple of minutes trying to digest what just happened.

"Oh God. You just lost your job..." You instantly felt bad for him and you stopped walking.

Mingyu looked at you and smiled. "As I said earlier, I don't care about my job. It's just I can't stand assholes like him taking advantage of girls like you..." He looked down at your hands that were joined.

"Still I feel bad-"

"Y/N have I ever told you how much I like you?" He interrupted you and your mouth, once again, dropped in shock.

"Y-you like me?" You gulped and he laughed.

"For a very long time." He stared into your eyes and you were speechless. "Can I kiss you?" You couldn't say anything so you just nodded.

His lips pressed against yours and wrapped his arms around your back. He was very sweet and tender. He made you feel loved, something your date could never have done.

He broke away breathless and whispered, "You don't realise how long I've wanted to do that for."

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