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Imagine for KaiEXOLUV

You sit at your desk in the spare room of the door. You hunch over your notepad, cringing at your writing. You hear the boys on the main room laughing and presumably dancing.

You look at the songs that you're writing and feel disappointed by it. You've been trying to become a singer/songwriter for a few years now but you never told the rest of the boys. You feel that all you songs are inferior.

You scrumple up your last piece of paper and throw it towards the bin. You get out another piece that already has a completed song on it. It was the only one you think is good enough to show to them, but you never got the courage. You stare at it, trying to imagine singing it in front of a crowd.

"Y/N, are you in there?" You suddenly hear a voice and Woozi suddenly walks in. You stand up and turn around, hiding the song behind your back.

"Jihoon! What do you want?!" You turn red, as if you've been caught doing something wrong.

"We're going out later and I was wondering if you wanted to come. Sorry if I surprised you." He looks down at your hands hidden behind your back. He looks curious.

"Yeah, uh, I might come out later-"

"What's behind your back?"

You look down as he walks toward you. He stands right in front of you, smiling as he looks down and found your hands that were around your back.

"Uh, its nothing, really its just, um.. Its nothing."

"If its nothing, then why are you hiding it?"

"Um..." You didn't have an answer and he knows it. He reaches around your back, leaning in a little. He uncurls your hand with his and takes the crumpled piece of paper out. He smooths it out and reads it, while you fold your arms and bite you lip, worried that he'll laugh.

"Its a song." He says softly, his eyes still reading it.

"Uh, yeah. I just thought I'd have a go at writing but, uh... It didn't go quite as planned. Its awful." You cringe and look down.

"Y/N..." He lifts your head up with two fingers held under your chin. His hand falls back to his side and he looks right into your eyes.

"It's good... It's really good." He smiles kindly at you, head slightly tilted to the side. You blush at the praise.

"How does it go?" He asks.

"Uh, well I need my piano to play the music-"

"You even have the music ready? How long have you been working on this?" He looks at you with an amazed expression.

"You really need to know when its your turn to speak." You grumble, annoyed at being interrupted again.


You roll your eyes, but smile at him. You feel more comfortable with him now.

"I've been working on this particular one for a few months, but I've been writing for years..."

"Really? You should have told me sooner... This is amazing. Can you play it for me? Please?" He begs you with his eyes and you just can't say no to his adorable face. Whoa, you think. I've never thought of him as cute before.

"Um, yeah let's just go to the studio, my piano is there. I was practising there yesterday."

"Let's go then." He smiles at you as you both walk out of the room into the living room, filled with the boys.

"Are we going out now?" Seungkwan asks, looking excited.

"You guys go ahead. Me and Y/N have something to do." Woozi says. You blush at how this sounds. You see Seungkwan raise his eyebrows at S.Coups. you and Woozi walk out and you hear the jeers behind you.

"Why did you say that? It sounds bad." You say to him.

"Does it? It doesn't matter what they think Y/N." He says, still smiling.

What exactly is he thinking about? You think.

You arrive at the studio, where your piano sits to the side of the dance floor, still leaving room for when they practice. You sit down on the stool with Woozi sitting very close to you. The music sheets for the song were already on the piano. You start playing and singing. The song was a happy one, inspired by meeting and becoming friends with Seventeen.

When you finished you looked at Woozi who was staring the music sheets.

"So, Jihoon... What did you think?" You feel nervous. What if he hated it?

He looks at you with a dazed expression, as if he is seeing you properly for the first time.

"Y/N... What do you think about being on our next album?"

You gape at him. You think about being with the band, getting awards, being noticed my fans...

You get up and stand over him, feeling breathless.

"Are you crazy?! I am nowhere near talented enough! The fans would never like my songs and I don't think that-"

He stands up, very close to you. He looks right into your eyes. You suddenly fall silent and you feel your heart beat thump in your chest.

"Y/N, listen to me. It's good- no its amazing. It's exactly what we're looking for. You are so talented and I want to record it... With you."

"Are you sure? I mean it could go so wrong, the fans could hate it and you could lose fans. They could hate me, especially the girls, or the music. Heck maybe the other members will hate it-."

He leans in and interrupts you by pressing his lips to yours. He gives you a small kiss before pulling back and smiling.

"You're so cute when you babble. Did you know that?"

You shake you head, still shocked.

"Now listen to me. We are going to record this right now and everyone is going to love it. Don't worry, Y/N. I'm here for you." He pulls you too him and give you a tight hug. You hug him back.

"Thank you." You whisper.

"No problem. Let's go." He takes you by the hand and leads you into the studio.

You spend the rest of the day recording. The boys come in at one point and immediately say they love it. Woozi gives you a hug and a sweet smile, which you keep in your mind while singing. You feel, that with his help, you can finally get to sing your songs on the stage with your favorite people in the world.

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