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Imagine for Kpop_Is_For_Real423 and

You looked around the old vintage music store that sold old Vinyls. You often came here when you had free time. You love the variety of album covers and music genre. It was your absolute paradise.

You walked around the half full music shop looking for something new to play on your old record player, that's nearly broken due to the amount of times you've used it. That record player was practically your best friend.

You strolled around the aisles, in search. You were currently at section 'L'. Your eyes wandered from 'Lana Del Rey' to 'Lorde'. You didn't particularly want that type of music so you carried on, even though you love the artists. You carried on walking until you got to section 'M'. You let your eyes roam until you see the perfect Vinyl. Michael Jackson. It's exactly what you wanted and there was only one left.

You reached out to grab the Vinyl, however you saw someone else's hand come intact with the album at the same time.

"Hey! That's mine. I got it first!" You looked up to see a boy around your age with dishevelled hair, wearing a sweater that was way too big for him. In other circumstances you'd think he was cute, but no boy touches your shopping and gets away with it.

"Ha, no way! My hand came in contact with the that album way before yours. So mitts off." You tried to snatch the vinyl out of his hand but he held it above his head.

"Ah-ah-ah! Just give it up. You're not going to get it, you're too short." He smirked knowing he was right.

"You know what? Fine. Just take your stinking Vinyl and leave." You flicked your hand gesturing for him to leave.

"My pleasure." He smiled in achievement. Who knew a cute guy could be so mean?

You watched as the boy, whose name you don't know, walked away. However, after a couple of strides he turned back around. He stopped in front of you and said, "I was a little harsh back there, wasn't I?"

"Eh- maybe a little." You grimace.

"How about I repay you. Would you like to go get some coffee?" He asked hopefully.

"Wait for a minute. First you take away my Vinyl, then you call me short and now you want to go out for coffee with me? I don't even know your name." You laughed with uncertainty.

"First of all the Vinyl is mine," he emphasised the last word. "And my name is Lee Chan, but you can call me Dino." He held out his hand.

You placed your small hand in his large one saying, "Well, my names Y/N. I'd say it was nice to meet you, but you haven't made a good first impression." You joked.

"Hey, I could say the same about you! So, what do you say about coffee?"

"I may be able to spare a few minutes." You grinned in delight.

"Good." He grabbed your hand and led you out of the door.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence while he payed for the Vinyl and on the way to your destination, he pulled you into a small coffee shop a couple of blocks away.

"Hmm..." You both sighed at the smell of coffee. You looked at each other and started laughing. He dragged you to a table and you sat across from each other.

"So what do you like about Michael Jackson, Dino?"

"Where to start! Oh well there's his dancing! He's the best ever! Oh! And there's his singing! He's a proper legend! I would have loved to have met him..." He gazed off into the distance in admiration.

"Oh, so you're one of those boys?" You laughed into your hands.

"Like what boy?" He asked defensively, waiting for your response.

"Ah, what do you call them? Uh- Oh, that's it! A Fanboy!" You messed with him.

He looked at you intently before saying, "You're so weird, but it's really cute." He said it so quietly you wondered if you heard him right.

You both looked down and at your coffee's and drink them simultaneously. After a couple minutes of random conversation, you realised that you actually quite liked this Dino boy.

"Come on, lets go." He again took your hand and said, "I'm going to walk you home."

"I get no say in this?"

"No, I want to be a gentleman... So tell me where you live." He whined.

You told him where you lived and you soon ended up outside of your house.

There was an awkward silence before Dino said "It's nice meeting you, Y/N. Maybe I'll see you around?"

"I hope so." You said. You looked into his eyes as he leaned down and kissed your cheek. As he did so he pressed something into your hand. He pulled away and you looked down to see the carrier bag holding the Michael Jackson Vinyl. You breathed in and looked for Dino, only to find him half way down the road, in the distance.

That seriously cute Fanboy.

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