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Imagine for @animemily_

You woke up due to the increasingly annoying alarm clock, your boyfriend, Mingyu, got you for Christmas. You reach out and slap the top to make it stop. You look around the room through your tired eyes. There was light filling in from the curtains and the sheets on your bed were falling off. However the thing you notice the most is Mingyu's arm lazily draped over your stomach. You looked over at him and stare. This may seem weird to other people but you can't get over how good looking he is.

"What are you looking at?" You jumped, not realising your boyfriend was awake. He had a slight smile on his face, which could be taken as a smirk.

"A-ah nothing." You can feel your cheeks getting redder by the second. This is so embarrassing.

"Don't be embarrassed, Y/N. I'm your boyfriend, you're allowed to stare at me... And only me." He winks at you and you hide your face in your hands.

You here a light laugh come from Mingyu's mouth as he pulls your hands away from your face and makes you lie down next to him on the bed. Your head was resting on his chest and you could her his steady heart beat. The sound puts you at ease.

"Can we stay like this forever?" Mingyu whispers in your ear.

You shake your head, "I have to go to work and you have to go to practise with the others, otherwise Hoshi is going to kill you for not learning the dance."

"Miss work and come to practise with me, please?" He pouts but you can't give in this time, you've missed work many times because of your way too adorable boyfriend.

"Not this time, otherwise I'll probably get fired." You look up at him and brush a hair that had fallen into his eyes, out of the way. "I'm going to get ready."

"Nooo." He wraps his arms around you and squeezes you against his chest.

"Mingyu! Not today, as much as I want too I can't." You pull yourself free from his iron grip and hop out of the bed.

"Well I'm just going to stay here and sleep." He rolls over so his face is in the white pillow.

"You do that." You laugh, an idea coming to your mind. You walk to the bathroom.

You find an empty mug and fill it up with cold water. You find your phone and put it on the video. This was going to be hilarious.

You walk out of the bathroom and see Mingyu's head still buried in the pillow. You walk around to his side of the bed. You press record on your phone.

"Mingyu, get up..." You say as you ruffle his hair. He groans not moving at all.

"I'm sorry that it came down to this."

"Wha-?" You pour the ice cold water on his head and he jumps out of the bed.

"Y/N! Wha-? why?" He tries to get out but he's shaking from the cold. You laughing so hard that you're crying. He notices the phone your holding. "You didn't..."

"I did." You're laughing even more now. In your weak state, Mingyu snatches your phone out of your hand, while its still recording. He turns it round so it's facing you.

"Hey! Give it back." You reach out for your phone, but he holds it away.

"Maybe in a bit... But first I want a hug." He looks at you questioningly. He laughs slightly at the sight of your horrified face.

He walks towards you while you walk backwards trying to get away from him. You got trapped in a corner and he hugs you, his wet body soaking you.

"Oh, look how the tables have turned..." You groaned at his sarcastic remark. You hear him click the botton to stop recording.

"I'm sending this to the guys, so I have an excuse to be late for practise." He fiddled with your phone.

"Well you may have an excuse but I don't, so please remove your hands from me."

You were walking to the bathroom when you heard Mingyu's laugh. You turn round and he says, "sorry, I'm just laughing at the look on your face when I asked for a hug."

You walk away groaning internally.

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