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Imagine for patricawang19, StubbyDean, kfnye98 and fvckiing

You stand back stage of your school stage, pacing nervously. The mic in your hand was suddenly feeling really heavy and you thought about what you were going to do. It might have only been a school talent show, verses your schools rival, but it was still nerve wracking to you.

Your friend watches you pace, shaking her head.

"Don't worry Y/N, your voice is amazing. You'll be awesome." She says, encouragingly.

"I'm gonna fail so bad." You reply and she groans out loud. This had been going on for a few hours.

"Go take a break in the bathroom, then. Staying back here just makes it worse." Says your friend.

"Good idea. I'll be back in a few." You reply. You start walking out, leaving the mic behind, and she calls out behind you.

"Hurry up, its gonna start soon."

You walk through the school, only half concentrating on where you're going. You had been signed up to sing in front of the audience for the show as you had been voted the best singer in your grade. You still weren't that confident, especially as you know that the other school is famous for their musical skills.

You let out a deep breath. You turn and corner and crash right into something. Looking up you realize that the something was the chest of a boy. An annoyingly good looking boy. You definitely don't recognize him so you guess he was from the other school, hear for the talent show.

"Ah! Sorry!" You say and you take a step away from him. Looking right at him, you realize that he was not helping your nerves. He was smiling kindly at you.

"It's okay. Uh, are you from this school?" He asks, in a soft tone that immediately set off the butterflies in your stomach.

"Y-Yeah." You say, staring at him in a way that was definitely not socially acceptable.

"Do you think you could help me? Can you point me to the boys bathroom?" He asks.

"Uh, that way." You point behind you, around the corner. He nods a thanks and leaves. As soon as he walks around the corner and you immediately face palm. Ugh, now is so not the time to be acting like a caveman on drugs, especially around cute boys, you think.

You go into the girls bathroom and splash your face. You look in the bathroom mirror and take several deep breaths. You fix your hair and mutter to yourself.

"I can do this. Just do it. Just Shia Labeouf this shiz."

You walk out of the bathroom and make your way back stage. Your friend runs up to you, looking excited and worried.

"I just found out who your competition is! A boy named Joshua who can apparently melt girls hearts with his singing voice." She gushes.

"Great. Thanks for that. I'll keep that in mind as I fail abysmally to this God of singing you speak of." You collapse on a chair and bury your face in your hands. Your friend comes over, holding your mic. She pushes it into your hand.

"Listen. He can't be that great. They could be exaggerating to scare you. Just do your best." She says, kindly.

You look up and smile at her.

"Thanks. Okay, okay. I can do this. I can do this."

The show starts with a rap battle, which was awesome. Your school won that one and next up was dancing, mostly hip hop dancing. The other school won that one so the pressure was on you and this Joshua guy. I bet he's hot, you think, grimacing. Hot with a heart melting voice.

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