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You knock on the door of the dorm room. You're not sure whether you are welcome to walk straight in yet. You've only been friends with the boys for a few weeks and its been the best time of your life so far.

The door room door opens and DK looks down at you. You are quite good friends and he smiles at you.

"Hey, Y/N. What's up?"

You both walk in the dorm together and sit on one of the beds, before you answer him. You two are the only ones in here.

"Hey. Where is everyone?"

"Out. They left me here by myself."

He pouts, making an exaggerated sad face. You laugh.

"Awh, poor baby. Are you lonely?"

He nods his head sadly and you both break out into laughter. This is why you liked DK. He always makes you laugh.

The laughter dies and you both sit there in silence looking at the floor. Its beginning to get seriously awkward before he looks up at you with excitement.

"Do you wanna go out somewhere?" He asks.

You sigh a little relieved that the silence had been broken.

"Yeah, sure. Where do you want to go?"

He looks outside the window, at the amazing weather outside.

"How about the beach? We could take a bus."

You start to get excited. You love the beach.

"But what about the others?"

"We can go by ourselves. Just you and me, yeah?" He didn't say it in a flirty way and for some reason this disappointed you. You were starting to think of him as really cute. But he did want to go out with just the two of you so...

"Yeah, okay. Perfect." You grin at him.

He jumps up off the bed and runs out the door. You run after him laughing. He was adorable when he was excited. You run into the street.

"Race you to the bus stop!" He yells and you both start running at full speed. You run as fast as you can but he beats you.

"Awh." You say, making the pouting face he made earlier.

"Don't worry, I'll buy you an ice cream to make you feel better."

He looks at you with kind eyes and your heart beat increases. You feel yourself blush and turn away from his gaze.

"Yes please."

He laughs just as the bus turns up. You both pay and get on. You find two seats near the back and sit quite close together. The journey to the beach would be about 45 minutes so you both entertain each other, laughing and talking.

Eventually you start to get sleepy because of the bus's soothing engine. Your head falls on his shoulder.

"That's okay, Y/N, you have a little nap." You're nearly asleep, so you're not sure but you swear you feel his fingers running through your hair.

You wake up when the bus finally stops at the beach. DK shakes to you gently to rouse you.

"Hey, wake up sleepy head, we're here."

You feel sleepy and can't keep your eyes open, but that changes when you're running along the sands with DK. You run by the sea and you attempt to push each other in several times. You've never laughed so hard in your entire life.

You both start walking slowly, tired out from all the running. He casual flings his arm over your shoulders. This small gesture is enough to get the butterflies in your stomach going wild.

"Now I believe I owe you an ice cream, due to my superior running skills." He grins at you and you roll your eyes, fighting to keep the smile off your face.

"Yes, yes you do. Let's go." He buys you both chocolate ice cream, your favorite.

You sit on the beach with your ice creams and you both watch the sun set over the sea. You lick your ice cream and manage to get some on your nose. You're about to wipe it off when DK chooses this time to cup your cheek in his hand and pull you toward him. He's not smiling anyway and you see his eyes are full of affection. You close your eyes and...

"EW! Did you seriously just lick my nose?!?"

He doubles over with laughter, barely keeping his ice cream off the ground.

"Surprised you, didn't I?" He says still laughing.

"Yeah you could say that." Now you definitely can't stop smiling. He was just so cute. But you still felt so disappointed that he didn't kiss you. You thought he might have liked you..

The smiles comes off your face and his expression soften as he sees yours.

"Y/N? What's wrong? I'm sorry for that, but it was really funny. I mean-"

"Oh its not that! It's just..."

He sits closer to you. You look down at your ice cream and you feel his eyes looking at you.

"Just what?" He asks his voice full of concern.

"Just... I thought you were going to... well, you know."

"Kiss you?"

You look up too see his face and you see him smiling again. But this time it was more of a mischievous smile. You nod, still embarrassed.

He laughs a little, then sighs at you, still smiling.

"Y/N, there's something you should know about me..."

"What's that?" You feel very confused.

He leans in again.

"I never kiss on the first date." He grins then gets up, abandoning his ice cream on the sand. He runs toward the seas leaving you there. You feel very surprised.

"A date? What? Wait! Where are you going?"

You get up and run after him, leaving your ice cream too.

"What do you mean, a date?" You say as you catch up to him. He pulls you into a hug, surprising you yet again.

"A date. As in, when two people that like each other go out and have fun. And I like you Y/N. A lot." He pulls back his hands still on your waist.

"In fact, just this time, I think I can make an exception..."

He pulls you closer to him and kisses gently. The sky was beautiful, the air was warm and light and the sea was sparkling blue. Needless to say it was a perfect first date that ended this a perfect kiss.


Okay, so about the nose licking part, my weird friend who I share the account with dared me to add that in. And I'm not one to ignore a dare so there you go. In case you were confused or weirded out or something :)


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