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Imagine for @NanaArriyna

You liked to have coffee in one of your local coffee shops on a Thursday evening. You always sat by the window with a cup of hot coffee and a book, too engrossed in the storyline to know what's going on around you. The coffee shop was nearly always empty and you liked the peaceful environment.

You were startled when you heard the door bang shut to the coffee shop, surprised that somebody would be here. You hesitantly looked away from your book to see a boy with baggy clothes and shaggy hair walk over to the coffee counter. He started ordering and you found yourself looking back down at your book.

You were again startled when you heard someone say, "Ahem?"

You dragged your eyes away from your book to see the shaggy haired boy standing over you. He looked around the room.

"Do you mind if I sit with you until my order comes?" He asked politely and you nodded in response. You wondered why he couldn't sit somewhere else, there was no one else there after all, but you weren't going to be rude.

The boy pulled out the wooden chair and sat opposite you. There was an awkward silence until he said "Ah, my names Vernon, but you can call me Hansol." He held out his hand for you to shake and you politely took it. His hands were really warm and cosy. You studied his face and saw a bandana holding back his hair from his eyes. He was really cute.

"My names Y/N. It's really nice to meet you." You smiled. You looked down but he certainly didn't want the conversation to end there.

"So... What are you doing here all alone?" He asked, looking around the abandoned shop.

"I could ask you the same thing." You laughed to yourself. "I don't know, I just like being alone sometimes. It's so peaceful and the smell of coffee is really good." You slowly closed the book and pushed it to the side, great now he probably thinks you're some caffeine addict. However, when you looked over to Hansol, you saw him smiling with his eyes crinkled in the corners.

"So Hansol. What are you doing here?" You raised one eyebrow looking up at him, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Actually, I'm here buying coffee for other members of my group, Seventeen. We just debuted, you may have heard of us." He said cockily, placing his palms flat on the table in front of you.

"Oh, sorry. I've never heard of your group." You smirked even though you could faintly remember hearing about them from somewhere.

His cocky smile faded a little. "You know, Adore U?"

"Aww Hansol, we've just met." You teased him while he shook his head from side to side.

"No! I mean the song is called Adore U!" He rubbed the back of his head, letting out an anxious laugh.

"Oh sorry! I didn't realise." You blushed and let your hair fall in front of your eyes, only to have it brushed behind your ear by Hansol's hand.

"Don't do that, I can't see your pretty eyes." Hansol whispered, looking into your eyes.

"Order number two your drinks are ready!" The women behind the counter called, Hansol looked at her and nodded.

"Well, this is me. It's nice meeting you, Y/N." He said as he stumbled out of his chair. "Maybe I'll see you around."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for the company." You smiled "N-nice meeting you too!"

He backed his way to the counter smiling back at you. You were kind of disappointed that he had to leave. He was really nice to talk to, even though he was a bit of a flirt.

You watched as he stacked all the take away coffee cups skilfully into a plastic bag. He leaned over the desk and handed the women a piece of paper. You wondered what he was doing. In your curiosity you hadn't noticed him leave the restaurant. Disappointed, you went back to reading your book.

Twenty minutes later you got up ready to leave. As you were about to walk out of the shop you heard, "Miss!"

The women behind the counter ran towards you. Startled, you turned around and looked at her.

"What is it?" You asked, looking at her grasped hands.

"Sorry to bother you, but the young man you were talking to earlier said to give this to you." She stuck out her hand and put a piece of paper in the palm of your hand. She smiled and walked back towards the counter.

You walked outside into the cold evening until curiosity got the better of you. You stopped and unfolded the piece of paper. On it read;

***** ****** ~ call me if you want to meet up again as much as I do x


Requests are still open.
~ Ffion

Seventeen ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant