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You sit on an outside table in a small corner café, playing an addicting game on your phone, when you see them. A large group of boys on the opposite table, talking very loud. You get slightly irritated and try to concentrate on your game.

"Go on Seungcheol! It'll be a laugh."

"Yeah c'mon!"

You don't look up to see them but you hear them. They seem to be forcing one of their members to do something. Its none of your business so you start to pack up to leave.

"Ugh. You guys owe me."

You finally look up to see whats going on. One of the boys detaches from the group and heads towards you. He sits on the seat opposite.

"Hey." He says. He smiles at you cockily and you see a "bad boy" kind of look in his eye.

You look him right in the eye.

"Hey." You reply

He bites his lip in a flirty way.

"So what's a pretty girl like you sitting here all alone?"

"I, uh, was trying to get my homework done." You mumble back. You don't know why you can't speak normally. There was something about the way he was looking at you, that intimidated you.

"Sure looked like it." He says in a sarcastic tone. He smirks and rolls his eyes.

"What's it too you anyway? I don't even know you!" You shoot back.

"I'm Seungcheol. But you may know me as S.Coups." He's got his cocky grin back.

"I'm Y/N. And actually no, no I don't."

He seems surprised by this and you hear his friends jeer behind him. You hadn't meant for that to sound funny, you genuinely have never heard of this guy. You smile as you gain confidence to talk to him.

"Now, whats-your-face leave me alone and go back to your friends."

At first he seems kinda annoyed but he smirks yet again and stays put.

"Why should I? Just because you said so?"

You have nothing else to say to that. You feel tears of anger and annoyance at your self well up in your eyes. You get up quickly and leave.

"Wait!" You hear him call behind you. Weirdly enough his friends are also silent.

You ignore him and push forward but he's faster than you and grabs your arm.

"What do you want?? You've already embarrassed me enough." You get furious with yourself as a tear rolls down your cheek.

"Hey..." He covers his hand with his sleeve and brushes it away. The cockiness is gone from his face and has been replaced with kindness. You have no idea why you let him be kind to you as he hurt you already but you know he won't do it again.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. My friends they.... Dared me to do it. I swear I'm not like that really."

You sniff and look away. He sighs.

"Look, let me prove it."

You look at him.


"Let's go out. Now. And I'll show you that I can be a real gentleman."

You know you shouldn't let him. I mean you barely know the guy. But his voice was soft and his words were sweet. His look didn't intimidate you, in fact it made you feel safe.

"Okay..." You say softly. He smiles at you warmly and takes your hand. He waves to his friends to leave.

He walks you to a fast food restaurant and you both order and sit down. You spend the rest of the afternoon with him. He tells you all about his band Seventeen and all its members and how they really weren't bad guys. He talks about their debut and their songs. It doesn't seem like bragging at all, he gets so enthusiastic about it waving his hands in wild gestures. It was seriously cute and you think you prefer this side of him rather than the cocky "bad-boy" from earlier.

You both finish and leave.

"Thank you. I actually had fun."

"No problem..."

He suddenly comes over all shy.

"Cou-could I have your number? I'd, uh, really like to do this again." He looks down and smiles shyly

"Are you asking me out?" You say with genuine surprise.

"Uh, yes, yes I am." He looks up right at you. His expression softens and you see the affection in his dark eyes.

"Uh, sure." You write your number on a napkin from the fast food place and give it to him.

"Thank you." He cups your cheek with his warm hand kisses you softly on the forehead. Your heartbeat accelerates alarmingly.

"Goodbye Y/N..." He smiles down at you again and turns to leave.

He looks back.

"See you soon. Very soon"

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