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Imagine for minyoonitrash

You stand outside the school building, on the arm of your date. Music was blaring from inside and brightly coloured lights came through the windows. You were surprised when one of the most popular boys in your grade asked you to the dance. You were extremely excited and eager to go in.

"Let's go inside!" You say and your turn to look at the bored face of your date.

"Okay." He said, deadpan. You both walk in and you see him glance at the pretty blonde girl that's asking people for ticket money. You ignore it and bring him into the main hall, where the dance is being held.

You both walk out into the middle of the dance floor and you see your friends grin in your direction. You grin back and glance at your date. He doesn't seem to be very interested. A slow song comes on and you decide to make the most of the situation.

"C'mon, let's dance." You say and he reluctantly puts his hands around your waist. You wrap your hands up around his neck and you start to slow dance. The song ends and he immediately let's you go.

"I'm going to get some drinks." He mumbled and walked away quickly.

You stand awkwardly and alone in the middle of the floor. You walk away and lean up against the wall of the room. You look at all the dancers and wait for your date to return.

"You okay?" A voice says.

You turn your head toward the voice and you see Hansol, a guy in your class. He was wearing a tux, like most of the guys here but it suited him better. You've never really talked to him but he was always there, in the background.

"Um, yeah. Why do you ask?" You reply.

"It's just, you looked kinda, I don't know... Lonely?"

"My date has gone to get drinks... Where's yours?"

"I'm here alone." He says, cheerfully. His answer takes you by surprise. He was extremely good looking, though not the most popular boy, you couldn't imagine any girl turning him down.

"Oh, well then. Did you come with friends?" You ask, not really sure what to say.

"Yeah, but they all found lonely girls to dance with. That's kinda why I came up to you." He gives you a dorky smile. You can't help but give a small smile in return.

"Well I'm not lonely. I have someone here." You say, though, you realize, he is taking his damn time.

"Ah, sorry. I'll leave you alone then." He says and starts to leave.

You bite your lip, suddenly wanting him to stay. He was friendly and he needed at least one dance, otherwise there would be no point in coming. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself.

"Wait!" You call. He turns around and looks at you, curiously.

"Um, I'll dance with you. Just one, though okay?" You say.

His face breaks into a huge grin and eagerly holds out his arm to you. You take it and he leads you to the middle of the floor. The song is fast and you both dance crazily. He cracks jokes and makes you laugh hysterically. You forget all about your old date, who still hasn't shown up, but you didn't even notice. Hansol was just too amazing to be focused on anything else and before you knew it you dnaced with him through 4 songs.

"Phew! We'd better take a break." You sigh and he agrees, breathing heavily.

You walk over with him to the drinks where you finally see your date. He was with the blond pretty girl. Kissing her to be precise. You stand in shock before deciding to confront him.

"Hey! What the hell?!"

He breaks away from the girl and looks at you, clearly annoyed.

"What? You actually thought you were my date? I asked you for a dare! Why would I go out with a girl like you?" He pulls a disgusted face at you and you snap. You walk over and slap him before storming out of the building, angry and hurt tears in your eyes.

You run out to the schools field, left open by the janitor. You wipe your eyes and look up at the stars in the sky. You can still hear the music from the school.

"You okay?"

You'd recognize that voice anywhere. You turn around to see Hansol, looking at you with a concerned expression.

"Not this time." You reply. He walks up to you and gently places his hand on your shoulder.

"Anything I can do to help?" He asks, softly.

You shrug your shoulders and look at the ground. You can feel his worried gaze on you. The music from the school changes to something softer and suddenly you feel his hands on your waist.

"I have an idea." He whispers. You give him a small smile and wrap your hands around his neck. You both slow dance to the music and he holds you closer to him.

"What happened in there?" He asked.

"He said he asked me for a joke. And that he would never go out with a girl like me." You say, and you feel more tears welling in your eyes. It's not the fact that he rejected you that made you upset but he made you think there was something wrong with you.

"A girl like you? So, a beautiful, wild girl with a crazy personality? A girl with the most amazingly weird laugh and dancing skills?" He says and you look up at him. He's smiling kindly at you and you smile back.

"Thank you." You say quietly, your voice shaking with emotion.

"Anytime." He says, cheerfully.

The song eventually ends and you both break apart.

"Now, let me walk you home... Just tell me where it is first." He says. You laugh and tell him and you both start walking off the field.

"Y/N?" He asks.


"For the record... I would totally go out with a girl like you."

"Oh yeah? Also for the record... I would totally say yes."

And, sure enough he eventually asked and you eventually agreed. Your relationship with him started because of that jerk that asked you and you always made sure to send him a thank you card on the anniversary of that day. The day you danced with Hansol Chwe.

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