S.Coups and Joshua

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Imagine for epichemmo

You were sitting in the dorms alone, waiting for the boys to come back from filming the 'Mansae' music video. You were a good friend of the boys even before debut... And the ex-girlfriend of Seungcheol. You had dated for a while but decided that a mutual break up was the best for both of you. You were still good friends but if you were honest with yourself, you missed being with him. You sigh and bury your face in your hands.

Suddenly the door opens and the Seventeen boys spill into the room.

"We're home!" Announces Seungkwan. He grins cheerfully at you.

"Well, someone's happy." You say as you look up at them. You stare at them, still not used to their new hair colours. Your gaze automatically goes to Seungcheol, who was threading his fingers in his black hair and talking to Jeonghan. He turns his head slightly and looks at you, causing you to turn away.

"We did well today. I can't wait till the fans see the video." Says Hansol, looking at his hair in the mirror.

"You mean you can't wait for the fans to see you in the video." Says Seungkwan and Hansol playfully punches in shoulder.

You laugh and the boys walk over to the sofas and crash onto them. You end up getting squashed to the side, sitting next to Joshua.

"So, how'd it go for you?" You ask him. He smiles and pushes his new hair back.

"Good. It was really fun and I think Hansol enjoyed the screen time." He grins.

"Shut up! I did not." Hansol replies and they all laugh. You grin at Joshua he smiles kindly back at.

You hear Seungcheol coughing loudly and everyone turns to look at him. He was staring at you and Joshua, looking kinda annoyed.

"We should get some practice in. We have a live show soon." He mutters. The whole group groans.

"Awh, please don't make us, I haven't watched T.V. in days." Whines Lee Chan.

"Yeah, c'mon don't be like this." Says Jun, rolling his eyes at Seungcheol.

Seungcheol looks at all of them and finally back at you.

"Alright then. Fine." He says and turns around, walking into his room.

"I hope he's alright." You mumble, watching him go. It still hurt you to see him even a little bit upset.

"Me too. I think he's okay though." Joshua replies. You look back at Joshua and you feel better.

You spend some time with the boys, the T.V. on. Nobody was really watching it because they were telling you the details of the new video.

"So, basically a bunch of us like this girl but she rejects us all-." Jun starts

"Hansol gets slapped." Seungkwan says and they all laugh again, except Hansol who tries to look annoyed at Seungkwan but he cracks a smile as well.

"- and in the end Seungcheol takes her hand and runs away with her and she ends up being pushed by him a shopping cart."

"Basically, Coups gets the girl." Finishes Jihoon. You stop laughing and look at the ground, not sure what to feel.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Blurts out Seungkwan and you hear one of them punch him. "Aish!"

"Shush you idiot, she used to be with him." You hear Jeonghan whisper to him.

You get up and head to your room, deciding to be alone for a minute. You collapse on your bed and try not to think about being with Seungcheol... Unsuccessfully. You remember seeing him practicing with the boys all night, coming home so tired he would immediately fall asleep on the sofa next to you, his head resting on your shoulder. You remember him hugging you from behind and spinning you around while you laughed hysterically. You remember his tearstained face after one of the scenes in the 17Project and him coming to you for comfort, his head in the crook of your neck while he hugged you.

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