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Imagine for furball11 and _jxxnghan and LadyBatman23

You stared at the instructions in front of you. Your boyfriend Jeonghan had stayed over for the first time last night, and you wanted to surprise him with a good breakfast of blueberry pancakes. However you have a slight predicament. You can't cook. You never have and never will. Anything you make normally tastes like someone had walked all over it with shit covered shoes. Yes, it was that bad.

To make it even worse, you knew your boyfriend was an amazing cook. You didn't want to not give him breakfast, so here you are, trying to make sense of the instructions.

"1, put the flour, eggs and milk in a bowl and whisk." You whispered to yourself, trying to be quiet because you left Jeonghan asleep in the other room. You didn't want to leave him. His angel face resting on the pillow, his hair spread along the sheets. He looked adorable, but really wanted to make him some food. He loved food.

You grabbed the flour and put some in a bowl. You skipped to the other side of the kitchen in your PJ's to find the eggs. You were really happy this morning. Well, who wouldn't be if they'd slept in the same bed as an angel?

Grabbing the eggs you ran back and cracked them into the bowl. You hummed 'When I grow up' quietly, as you cracked them. That song's really catchy. Turning to fridge you found the milk and poured it into the bowl as well. You whisked it all together, your tongue sticking out of the side of your mouth while you concentrated.

Your head hung over the recipe when a pair of hands attached themselves to your shoulders. You jumped but then you realised Jeonghan's slender fingers. His fingers traveled down your back until they landed on your waist, giving you shivers. He leaned in and pressed his lips to your neck, pecking up until he reached your cheek. You giggled, which you don't do normally. He joined in and a smile plastered itself on your lips.

Jeonghan rested his head on your shoulder. "Uh, what ya doin?" His eyes flicked sideways to yours. Yeah... He knows you can't cook.

"I'm making pancakes, if you don't mind." You said sarcastically.

"Okay, then." He reached for the bowl and put his finger in it, scooping some of the contents out. He put it in his mouth and you gave him a look.

"That's gross." He looked at your face and laughed. "Now go away! I'm making pancakes!" He put his hands up in a surrender and you whipped him with a tea towel. He just laughed and jumped onto the sofa, grabbing the TV remote.

You put the frying pan on the stove and poured some pancake sized mixture onto it, once it had heated. You waited a while and then started flipping them. The smell was delicious, you hoped they tasted like that. You served the pancakes and put whipped cream on the side. You felt like strawberries, so you grabbed them as well.

You balanced the plates on each hand and made your way over to where Jeonghan was sitting. You gave Jeonghan his plate and then you jumped onto the sofa.

"Thank you." Did you forget to mention that Jeonghan wasn't wearing a top? Well, he wasn't wearing a top. It made it hard to think, but you didn't care. At all.

"S'okay." He takes a bite out of his pancake and you cross your fingers. You hope you don't give him food poisoning. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Oh, nothing..." You said deciding it was a little weird watching him eat. However you really wanted to know if they were good or not.

"Y/N, they're amazing. Like I wasn't going to say anything! Your cookings really improved." He dunked a strawberry into whipped cream. Before he put it in his mouth he touched it to your nose, meaning you had whipped cream all over it.

"Hey!" You pouted at him and he laughed. You watched his stomach clench. He grabbed you waist and pulled you, until you sat on his lap. Legs on either side of him. Well, this was new. He leaned in and kissed the top of your nose, getting the whipped cream off. You blushed and his hands stroked your cheeks. His eyes stared at you with adoration. He suddenly pressed his lips to yours, your breakfast forgotten even though you spent a lot of time on it. He almost immediately made the kiss passionate and romantic. Jeonghan was that kind of boyfriend. Romantic in every way.

He suddenly pulled away. "Thanks."

"What for? The pancakes? Seriously you don't have to thank me-" he cut you off.

"No, for letting me stay the night. You're the first girlfriend I've ever had that has let me stay the night and I appreciate that. I love you Y/N. A lot, quite frankly." He snaked his arms around your hips and fell back onto the sofa so that you were both laying down. You were on top of him.

"I love you too." You whisper and kissed his jaw because you couldn't reach his lips. His hands started making designs on your bear back. You sighed in pleasure.

"You know what? I could do this everyday. I could be with you. I love waking up next you. The way you mould next to me when we sleep. I love it. Waking up to you in the kitchen. It felt like we were a family. Y/N, you're my family." He said daydreaming, his voice was very far away.

"I like the sound of that." Your eyes were closed and your head was resting on his chest. "I like talking about the future, carry on."

"I'd like to have two kids. A girl and a boy. Maybe we'd have a dog, one that the kids could play with. We'd have long walks on the beach with the dog and the kids could go off and play. We'd hold hands and stroll. Talking about anything and everything. Mhm. We'd also have a big house because I'll earn the money to get it. I will spoil you. A. Lot. Even when you get old. I will still spoil you, because you're one of the only people I love." He was silent for a moment. "Y/N, please don't leave me..."

"Why would I leave you?" You asked looking up at him. His eyes were closed while he thought about the future.

"I've just realised that I won't have a future if you aren't in it." He opened one eye and then the other.

You leaned in and kissed his lips forcefully. Why so goddamn romantic?

"Well, I guess I won't leave. Ever. Can you do that? Live with me forever? Survive with my crap cooking?"

"Well, the cooking may be a problem..." He looked serious and then he smiled.

"Hey!" You slapped his chest.

"But, other than that. Yes. I could live with you forever. Don't forget this, Y/N, because it shall happen. I'm almost certain." You were silent for a couple on minutes. You heard light breathing coming from Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan?" You looked to see him sleeping. Again he was an angel.

"I'm going to stay. I won't leave." You laid your head on his chest again.

"I know." He whispered.

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