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Imagine for Hanyeol123434

You always went to the stage in the evenings. It was peaceful in the huge empty building and it was good practice for your piano skills. You climb up the stairs to the huge stage where your piano adorns its center. You turn to look at the hundreds of chairs facing you.

You go over to the piano and run your fingers over its keys. You sit on the stool when you suddenly hear singing. Its a male voice and you hear the sound of a guitar being played.

You grin, knowing exactly who it is. Your boyfriend, Joshua. You creep around to the back stage, into a little room where the actors prepare before going on stage. He sits there on a chair, as his singing gets louder.

He's facing away from you, and naturally you take this promising opportunity.

You sneak up behind him and:



He jumps completely off the chair but manages to catch himself before he falls.

"Y/N! You scared me!" He says as he turns to face you, an angry look on his face.

You laugh until your sides ache and eventually he cracks the smallest of smiles.

"Oh c'mon, it was funny"

He mutters something quietly. It sounded like "Yeah, to you"

He puts the guitar back on the stand and you run at him wrapping your hand around his neck. You grin up at him and he tries his best to hide his smile. His arms hangs loosely and he turns his head away.

"Well fine. Be that way."

You let him go and pout. He rolls his eyes and looks at you. You have a mini staring contest until he finally gives in and pulls you into a tight hug.
"I have no idea why I give in so easily to you" He whispers into your hair.

You pull back.

"What are you doing here anyway? Its usually empty."

"I know. I came here to practice in silence because I thought no one would be here."

You laugh.

"Beat ya to it. I had this idea months ago."

"What do you do here?"

"C'mon. I'll show you."

You grab his hand and pull him back onto the stage. You both go over to the piano and you sit down onto the stool. He stands there awkwardly in front of you.

You tap the space next to you on the seat.

"Sit down." You demand.

He sits down.


"Because I need someone to turn the pages of my music, and you'll get tired standing there. Duh"

He lifts his hands up in innocence.

"Well sorry, I don't play piano."

"I'll teach you some day." You promise

You arrange your music sheets and begin to play. The sweet sound of the music files the entire room. The lighting is dim, as the only light source comes from the stage lights so the seats beyond it are all in darkness. The music suits the sence perfectly and you become absorbed with your playing.

You suddenly become very aware of Joshua's presence near you. You feel his brown eyes staring at you as you look down at what you're doing. You can feel your face becoming red as you blush with embarrassment.

You stop abruptly.

"Why are you staring at me??" You demand.

He looks right at you with a look of pleasant surprise.

"You play like an angel" he says softly, looking right into your eyes. You feel yourself becoming even redder.

"It's slightly distracting." You mutter and look back at the keyboard. You feel his hand cup your cheek as he turns it at brings it toward him. He kisses you and pulls back.

"Now that's definitely distracting." But you can't help smiling.

"Please keep playing." He whispers

You know you can't, not with him staring at you like that.

"Um, you know what? Let's start your lessons now."

He looks at you, surprised and a little disappointed.

"C'mon, it's not too hard"

You grab his hand and bring it to the keys. You arrange his fingers on the position of the right note.

"Good." You say.

"Y/N... I am so lucky that I met you."

You flush again and kiss his cheek.

"Likewise. Now let's play."

You both spend the rest of the evening laughing at his attempts and listening to the music you play.

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