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"Y/N! Get off me!"

You laugh and continue tickling your best friend Seungkwan. You've been friends ever since you were little and you were both extremely close. Like brother and sister. You were so proud and happy for him when he debuted with Seventeen and you get along with the other boys very well.

"No way! Its funny."

You're both in the dorm, sitting on one of the beds. He's trying to get one of his shoes on. They are all getting ready for an interview they have later today. The other boys are in the dorm being loud and messing around. S.Coups speaks up.

"We have to be ready in time. Hurry up."

"Wow, someone's grumpy." Says Hansol quietly and he rolls his eyes at you. He sits near you and Seungkwan and you smile back at him. You and him were good friends and he was the same age as you which helped. He was also extremely cute.

Seungkwan suddenly gets and drags you with him.

"C'mon Y/N. Let's head out." He drags you out with him and you resist pulling your arm free. You both stand outside the dorm bedroom door and turn look at him, confused.

"What's wrong? Something bothering you?"

He looks at you and tries to act nonchalant.

"Nothing. Let's just go out before we have to go to the interview."

You look at him suspiciously and he continues to smile. You sigh and let it go. You'll get it out of him later.

You both walk around town and you lauhh and talk like normal. At one point he spills a drink you bought him all over his chest and you laugh hysterically, while he wipes it off.

"Oh, c'mere and let me help you." You go over to him and dab at his chest with a tissue. You feel him looking at you and you look up. He's staring right at you and you stop dabbing and stare back. It was a weird moment and you help but notice how cute he looked. He leans in a little and you wonder what he's thinking at that moment.

You pull back sharply. You shouldn't be thinking of him like that, you are both good friends. That's all.

"You really should be more careful."

He takes a minute to reply and caries at staring at you. He must suddenly realize how weird he looks and shakes himself.

"Sorry..." He mumbles.

"It's alright. Let's go back. You need to change your shirt before you go on TV."


You both walk back and he seems distant the whole way back, no matter how much you joked with him. You have no idea what you did wrong and you feel kind of upset about it.

You arrive at the dorm. Seungkwan changes his shirt and the band leaves for the interview. You already have your seat ready in the audience.

You stand back stage with them, with Hansol next to you. They're about to go on when you tap Hansol on the shoulder.

"Have fun!"

He smiles back at you.

"Thanks. Hope you enjoy the show."

They walk on stage and the crowd goes wild. You run to your seat and join in with the cheering. Things die down and the interview gets started.

"So, do any of you boys have any special girls in your life?"

The boys laugh and deny they do, except Seungkwan who stays quiet.

"Ooo Seungkwan why so quiet?"

He looks up and smiles at the interviewer.

"Because there is a girl. A very special girl."

The boys go silent with surprise and the interviewer leaps in with another question.

"Who is this girl? C'mon, we all have to know."

"She's very important to me. I've known her for since we were little and I've been in love with her for years."

You stand there in shock. Could he be talking about you?

He carries without further encouragement.

"But she doesn't know. So I don't know if she feels the same way and every time I see her with another boy.... I feel jealous. Very jealous. And all I want is to... To know if she feels the same."

His voice quietens towards the end and he looks directly at you. You feel the stares of the fans and you look down.

The interviewer acts like Christmas has come early. The rest of the boys still look very surprised.

"Tell us her name!" The interviewer asks.

Seungkwan smiles sheepishly.

"I can't. It would just embarrass her."

The interviewer acts disappointed but let's it go. The rest of the interview goes in without another surprise. By the end you finally feel the red feel you cheeks. But you feel happy. Surprisingly, you feel overjoyed.

Afterwards the boys head out the back and you wait for them outside. They all look at you, but you don't care. You're waiting for Seungkwan. To finally tell him how you feel.

He finally comes out he door, looking incredibly embarrassed. The other boys leave you both alone and you walk right up to Seungkwan.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry if I embarrassed you and just wanted to tell you for a lon-"

You put your hand on his cheek and interrupt him with a kiss. You pull back and you see his eye are idea with shock and he just stares at you.

"You goofball. You should have just told me."

"I-I was just scared tha-that you didn't, you know... Feel the same."

You laugh and he cracks a smile.

"And I know what you were thinking... No, I don't like Hansol like that, he's just a friend.

He grins and hugs you.

"I'm so glad I finally told the truth." He whispers in your ear.

"Yeah, me too."

You both pull back and walk back to the dorm together. Who knew that your best friend would end up being the best boyfriend ever?

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