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Imagine for @carolineSkopyK

You rushed to the door, when you heard the familiar sound of the doorbell. You were so excited to see your friends, you hadn't seen them since you'd moved to Korea to live near your boyfriend, Woozi. They thought it was weird that you'd moved to Korea just because of a boy, but they didn't know how much you loved each other.

You yanked the door open, looked at your two friends and screamed. They hadn't changed one bit. You three were engulfed in a group hug so strong that you all fell to the floor laughing.

"Y/N! We've missed you so much!" One of your friends said and stood up. You and your other friend both stood up.

"Aww, I've missed you too!" You hugged them again. Once you released them, you ushered them inside. "Come on in! The living rooms to your right." You pointed and they hurried into the cozy room, you mostly share with Woozi.

Even though you'd moved to Korea for Woozi, you didn't live together. His parents won't allow it until you two were married. Which was hopefully on the horizon.

Your two friends sat down on the sofa and squealed. "This place is really nice, Y/N. How in Gods name did you afford a place like this?" They gawked at the house.

"Well, Woozi helped a lot actually." You smiled at the thought of your boyfriend.

"Oh yeah, your famous boyfriend. He must be loaded." She smirked at you and you shock your head.

"He not that famous..." You blushed and put your head in your hands.

"Well, maybe not where we're from, but trust me here in Korea, he's a big shot." They laughed, "We've already seen him advertised on billboards on the way to your place."

"Ugh, well you know..." It's was going into the awkward zone and you tried to steer your friends away from your boyfriend.

"Well, how do you like Korea so far?" You asked them and they nodded enthusiastically.

"Even though we've just got off a plane and got in the cab, It looks amazing! I never expected it to be like this."

"I didn't either, but it's my home now." You couldn't think about leaving Woozi here by himself. He was you home.

"So, how long are you guys here for again?" You asked wanting to make the most of the time you guys had together.

"Um three days, we couldn't afford to stay any longer..." You instantly felt bad knowing that you and Woozi could have given them a little money.

"Well, in that case, why don't we make the most of it. Let's make our own mini spa! I'll make some facial masks and we can paint nails and watch a movie?" You really needed a girls night in.

"Yeah!" They nodded and dropped their stuff into your room, while you went to make the facial masks.

You walked into the living room and you all started putting the facial masks on. You found a horror movie you wanted to watch and turned it on. The movie was about to start when someone's phone went off. You and your friends eyes moved to your other friend. She mouthed 'sorry' and then you thought of something.

"How about you we turn our phones off?" They all agreed and you switched your off.

It was halfway through the movie and you   were all petrified. It was the typical 'don't go in there scene' that made you all scream for the heroines life. You were interrupted from your screaming when all the lights turned on.

"Y/N? What's going on?" You snapped your head up to the front door and saw Woozi standing there ready to fight off any intruders.

"Woozi! N-nothing's going on! We were watching a movie! What are you doing here?" Your heart pounded in your chest.

"You didn't answer your texts, so I came here to see why you weren't answering and then I heard screaming. I thought the worst..." He said and then started to laugh. "Nice face by the way." He pointed to your face and you realised you still had the face mask on. You quickly peeled it off and threw it in the bin, your face burned red.

"I'm sorry we turned our phones off." You motioned for the girls and they stared at you blankly. Of course they didn't know what your were saying. You were talking in Korean. Woozi also looked very confused as to why there were two people in you house.

You turned to Woozi, in Korean, "Oh these are my friends." You introduced and he spoke badly in your language to them. Your friends were impressed by his knowledge of you language.

You and Woozi had made it to the sofa and you were all were engulfed in conversation. Your friends had a lot of questions for him which he kindly answered, even though sometimes you had to translate for him.

After what seems like an hour your conversation finally came to a stand still. Woozi looked at his watch and said in Korean, "Look at the time. I better be going." He stands up to leave but you grabbed his hand. "Don't go. Stay tonight, it's too late to drive home now."

He looked into your eyes, "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude in your girl time..." Aww he was too sweet.

"No we don't mind, do we girls?" They both nodded. They seemed to really like him. Woozi nodded and said he'd get into his sleep wear. He had a draw in your room where he kept clothes when he stayed over.

Once he was gone you friends turned to you.

"Now I know why you rushed to move to Korea... He's freaking gorgeous!" You all started laughing. Woozi returned and for the rest of the night you couldn't contain your laughter.

Later that night when your two friends were asleep you looked and Woozi and smiled. "Thank you."

He looked at you confused. "For what?" He whispered, cautious of waking your friends.

"For coming to my rescue, even though I didn't need it." You giggled and he pulled you against his chest.

"Y/N, for you? I'd always come to the rescue." With that he leaned down and kissed you forehead. Soon after you fell asleep with your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

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