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{I slipped into the diamond life via Seungcheol's jawline}

Imagine for @coolunicorn1001

You were sat in the front row of Seventeen's performance and the Hip-Hop unit were rapping to 'Ah Yeah'. You couldn't stop looking at your boyfriend S.Coups. No wonder he was leader, the way he moves around the stage and gets the audiences attention. Well, he's definitely got your attention.

They were coming to the end of their set and the crowd was roaring. You swear your ears were going to burst. They walk off stage and the crowd soon died down. You get up from you seat and go in the direction of backstage. You showed the security guard your pass and he apologised for taking your time.

You walked through the corridors until you came across Seventeen's changing room. You walked into the room and you were immediately hit with the boys talking loudly. You looked for S.coups and saw him talking to Jeonghan. You decided to leave them alone and headed over to Wonwoo and Mingyu. They were standing by the sofa trying to change their clothes.

"Hey, guys." You sat down on the sofa and watched as Wonwoo tried to unbutton Mingyu's shirt that seemed to have gotten stuck. "Do you need some help?" You laughed and Wonwoo tried to wrap his big fingers around the small button.

Wonwoo looked at you sheepishly. "Ah, yeah if you could?" He backed away and You got up and went to unbutton Mingyu's shirt. It took you a while but you finally got it off.

"Yes, thanks Y/N!" Mingyu took you by surprise and hugged you. You pulled away and looked at him with a questioning stare.

"Sorry, I'm in a weird mood. The show gave me a good feeling." He smiles brightly.

"Dork." You said.

"Weirdo." He responded.

You and Mingyu had always been close. You two were like siblings, you always argue but you love each other in a friendly way.

You turn to leave Mingyu and Wonwoo only to find S.Coups with a girl. She was reaching up and touching his hair. To make it worse S.Coups was shirtless. Envy boiled inside you.

You looked back at Wonwoo and Mingyu, with a questioning glare. "Who's that?" You point to where S.Coups and the girl were standing.

"Her? Oh, she's S.Coups' stylist." Wonwoo looks you up and down. "Jealous?"

You snapped your head to Wonwoo. "No! Why would I be jealous?! It's her job."

Mingyu laughs, "Of course, what ever you say..."

You turn back to S.Coups and the girl. She's still fixing his hair and he still doesn't have a top on. Only this time when she reached for another piece of astray hair, he wrapped his hand around her wrist and held her hand to his cheek. You felt yourself clench you hands into fists. How dare he share this level of intimacy with his stylist?

The next thing crushed your heart. She reached up and kissed he cheek. Was it possible that S.Coups was cheating on you?

You eyes filled up and you started to sniff. You walked over to S.Coups.

"I don't know who you think you are, but the last time I checked you were my boyfriend. How long has this been going on for?" You glared at him and the girl. Everyone had gone quiet. S.Coups just stares at you. "You can't even say anything? That's it, we're done." You reached up and slapped him on the face. You wondered where you got the courage from.

You stormed out of the room. As you were on the way you heard Wonwoo whisper to Mingyu, "definitely jealous..."

You made your way out of the arena and sat on the side of the road. That was when the tears came. You sobbed to yourself and got a couple of strange looks of bystanders walking down the street, but no one questioned you.

You felt a hand on your shoulder. The hand was familiar to you, so you brushed it off. Your sobs intensified.

"Y/N..." S.Coups' voice was soft as he sat down next to you.

"Get away from me. I don't want to see you at the moment." You sniffled and wiped your eyes, you didn't want to look defenceless.

"I didn't do it... I didn't cheat on you. Who do you mistake me of? A man of no value? I'd never cheat on you." He whispered and your head snapped up to look at him.

"What? That's not true! I saw you! You were with that girl! She- she kissed you! You held her hand. You wanted it! Tell me that's not cheating?" You looked at him with sad eyes.

"I only did it because I wanted you to see it. I saw how close you were with Mingyu." He clenched his hands into fist and his breathing came out short.  "I saw how close you stood to him. I saw how you undid his shirt. I saw how you two hugged. Those little things are only meant for us." He looked down at the floor in shame. "I thought you cheated on me..."

You looked up at him with shock. "I'd never cheat on you, and definitely not with Mingyu! He's like my brother. I'm so sorry, I didn't realise you felt that way." You looked at him with an apologetically.

"I'm sorry. I'll always trust you from this day onwards." S.Coups takes your hand and pressed his lips to the back of it. You smiled.

"Does this mean we're okay?" He asks hopefully.

"Yeah we're okay." You leaned over and kissed him. You both smiled into the kiss. You'll never doubt each other again.

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