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Over the next few days students left for the holiday and Abbigail was busy learning about the potions curriculum in Hogwarts which left Hermione to enjoy the quiet time in her office tutoring students who stayed for the holiday. "Any more questions?" Hermione asked the four first years. "No Miss Granger. Thank you for helping us!" One said with a smile. "Of course go on now! It's snowing outside, and if you four are like me and my friends at your age you'd rather be out there making snowmen or having snowball fights then in here. So go on!" Hermione said as they took off running out of her office.

Hermione shook her head and shut her door before returning to her desk to go over the tests she gave out before the holiday break. She was mid way through them when there was a knock on her door, looking up she saw someone she'd thought she'd never see at all except for meals. "Professor Snape? Something I can do for you?" Hermione asked. "Miss Granger, I've come to talk to you about the new potions mistress Abbigail. How well do you know her?" Snape asked.

"I only just met her a few days ago, but she seems nice. She's very smart and talented and she earned her potions degree by the best potions mistress in America. I think...if given the opportunity she'd do a wonderful job here at Hogwarts." Hermione replied. Snape reminded silent for a moment as he pondered what his former student was telling him. "I'd like you to sit in on a class after holiday break, if thats ok with you. You know better then most here how my potions class goes. You'll be a good person to help me determine how she'll do." Snape replied. "Of course sir! I'll just ask McGonagall." Hermione replied. "I've already spoken to her, and she'll cover the classes you miss." Snape stated. "Works for me sir." Hermione replied. "Thank you Miss Granger, I'll leave you to your marking." Snape stated as he stood up and walked out for her office.

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