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Later that night Hermione found herself once again wrapped up in Bella's arms. "I think I'm just gonna put my stuff in here, since I'm in your room more than my own." Hermione stated. "Sounds like a plan to me pet. Now sleep, we have another big day tomorrow." Bella whispered as she pulled Hermione into her arms. Bella looked at the sleeping younger witch with love in her eyes. She'd come to tell their future children one day that this was the moment she fell in love with their mummy.

Once morning came everyone was up in their pajamas and eating breakfast together at the dining room table. "Did you get your gifts wrapped Mione?" Draco asked. "Yea, why? Did you go snooping? Because I'll curse you did!" He exclaimed. Draco dropped his fork and threw his hands up in the air. "No! Please don't punch me again!" Draco exclaimed. Hermione burst out laughing at this. "It was one time Draco!" She reminded him. "Yea..." Draco mumbled. "Oi! It lead to our friendship!" Hermione added.

"You mean sweet Hermione punched you Draco?" Cissy asked. "Yea...third year..." He grumbled. "You told me you fell out of bed." Cissy stated. "Well...I wasn't gonna admit that a girl punched me, now was I mum." He groaned. Everyone laughed again at this. "I'm sorry, but that's hilarious!" Dora snorted. "Shove off all you lot! We became friends after that..." Draco growled as he tore off up the stairs to his room.

"I think we upset him." Andy added. "He's just missing Harry..." Hermione whispered. "What was that?" Cissy asked. "He misses Harry, once Draco and I became friends Harry and Ron quickly followed. Harry and Draco would practice quidditch together. See whose broom was fastest, who could dive faster, how fast you could turn, who could stay standing up longest. It go really boring after a while. Usually Ginny, Pansy, Luna and I would go sit and watch them be idiots. It got funnier after Ron joined them." Hermione stated.

"Oh? And who of them were you dating Hermione?" Dora asked knowing the answer already. "Pansy..." Hermione whispered. "Who?" Dora asked again this time a little louder. "Pansy! Merlin Dora...at least I wasn't caught snogging the Veela when I was supposed to be making sure the Tri Wizard Torment Champions safe!" Hermione stated. "You! You swore you'd never tell that story!" Dora groaned. "Ooops..." Hermione said before she got chased out of the dining room by the bubblegum pink haired witch.

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