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As the night wore on Bella endured watching her witch dance and talk with everyone. It annoyed her to no end but she knew she couldn't do anything about it right now. At the moment Hermione was sitting at a table with all her friends talking about whatever while Bella was stuck with her sisters and everyone else talking about their times at Hogwarts.

"How are the dragons Charlie?" Hermione asked the second oldest Weasley boy. "Oh they're wonderful! Even Norberta is doing well. She's had several babies, now she's in a different part of the sanctuary with the rest of the old dragons." Charlie stated his eyes never leaving the brunette witch. "That's wonderful! Have you told Hagrid about all her offspring? I'm sure he'd love to know how his former pet is doing." Hermione suggested. "Oh! I've been sending him photos and regular letters about them all." Charlie replied.

"Oh that's wonderful!" Hermione replied. "What about you? What are your plans after graduation?" Charlie asked. "Working for the ministry. Hopefully in the regulations on magical creatures. I want to make life's easier for werewolves and other half wizard and muggles to find jobs without being ridiculed." Hermione stated. "Yea Mione even plans to run for Minister Of Magic one day!" Harry stated. "Very impressive Granger!" Fred stated. "Yeah who knew the little bossy Gryffindor wanted to do so much good in the wizarding world." George stated.

"Well I've always done good in the wizarding world! I kept Harry and Ron from getting expelled several times. And I kept you two out of trouble with Filch on more than one occasion. Like that time you two tried to what was it...oh yes...get Mrs. Norris to fall in love with Snape." Hermione stated causing the whole table to erupt in laughter. "Really? You bring up that? Of all the wonderful things we did in our time at school...you wound us Granger!" The twins whined.

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