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Bella was shocked to say the least. This was the last thing she expected. She thought that she'd never see Hermione again. And now she was here. A professor nonetheless. Her head was buzzing with questions that she wanted to ask the young witch as she walked to the hall for dinner that night. When she got there Hermione was already sitting between Neville and Flitwick talking about something or other. Bella took the last seat at the end of the table and remained silent throughout the meal. After dinner ended Hermione slipped off with Neville again. 'Good going Black! You let her walk away again.' Bella scoffed to herself as she walked out of the hall.

"Don't worry Bella. She'll come around eventually. She just needs time." McGonagall stated. "How much time does she need? It's been almost three bloody years!" Bella groaned. "Just give he a few days to get adjusted." McGonagall replied. "Yea..." Bella replied as she headed to her rooms. Her mind was still racing with unanswered questions. As she walked she didn't notice that Hermione was walking just a few feet in front of her. "See you later Nev!" Hermione said as she whispered her password before disappearing into her rooms. The voice caused Bella to look up just as the brunette witch disappeared.

Shaking her head she just continued on her way. There was nothing Bella could say. Nothing that would make a difference anyways. Hermione had made mind up years ago about Bella, and the stubborn Gryffindor wouldn't change her mind easily. Bell had a lot of work ahead of her. Sinking into her sofa she decided to request help from someone who used to be close to Hermione.

Kneeling down in her fireplace she called for Dora to come through so they could talk. "You rang auntie?" Dora asked as she walked through the fireplace. "Yes! I need your help with wining over Hermione again." Bella stated. "Ohhh...I heard she came back. What do you need help with?" Dora asked. Bella began telling her what she needed her for and they began plotting.

Wooing The Gryffindor Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon