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After dinner that night Hermione was up in Bella's room getting fitted into a gown for the party. "Arms out please!" An older witch exclaimed. "I like the red one! With the velvet trim." Hermione stated. "Ok! But you must stand still!" The older witch groaned. Hermione did as she was being demanded and stood still like a bloody statue as the older witch danced around her with her enchanted seamstress tools.

An hour or so later Hermione had a deep red gown with velvet trim around the waist. "There! It is perfect!" The older witch exclaimed as she waved her wand and had the gown go floating into the wardrobe. "Thank you!" Hermione replied as she got off the stool. However the seamstress had long disappeared from the room to go fit someone else. Shaking her head Hermione sat off to find something to do for entertainment before it was time to go to bed.

After making her way downstairs Hermione noticed that everyone was upstairs being fitted leaving her alone to go to the library and hide away from the world. Cozying up in a corner sofa she opened a large book and began to read it to herself, letting her mind escape into the fictional world. Unbeknownst to her someone was downstairs and was currently looking for her.

The sound of footsteps never crossed Hermione's mind as she was too far deep into the book to hear anything from the outside world. "Hermione!" Bella called out as she made her way into the library. "Hermione! Where did you go?" Bella asked again but again got no response. Finally as she came to the end the room rounding a corner she saw Hermione curled up into a ball with a book balanced on her knees. "There you are!" Bella cooed as she sat down beside her. "Oh! Bella! I didn't hear you come in!" Hermione replied looking up from her book. "It's quite alright pet. Did you get fitted?" She asked. "Yes. Finally!" Hermione groaned. Bella just chuckled at this as she knew how annoying the seamstress could be.

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