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Over the next few days Hermione hid away in her office preparing for her first class that's to begin in a week's time. She had everything prepared and ready for the first class of the school year. Now she was preparing to greet the first years. Ever since McGonagall told her she'd be doing the sorting this year she was nervous. Not because any of her 'nieces or nephews' were attending Hogwarts yet but because she had to stand in front of the whole school. "You'll do fine Mione! You've watched it loads of times. You'll do great!" Ron said reassuring her as he sat in the classroom with Harry, Ginny,Pansy and Draco. "Weasley's right Mione. You'll do a fantastic job. You'll be a natural at it." Draco stated. "Thanks guys...How are my favorite nieces and nephews doing?" She asked. "James is a handful, and it doesn't help that Albus instigates things. But Lily is a sweetheart." Harry states. "And how is Scorpius doing?" Hermione asked looking at Draco. "He's doing great. He's been terrorizing the cat though on his broom. It drives Daphne nuts." Draco replied.

"Rosemary is doing wonderful. Even if she looks like a Weasley. She has my attitude." Pansy said elbowing Ron. "I'm glad they're doing well. I miss them terribly!" Hermione replies. "Well it'll be Christmas time before you know it. You'll be able to spoil all of them then." Ginny adds with a smile. "How are you doing?" Pansy asks. "I'm ok. Neville's been wonderful at helping me get my class room ready. And I've successfully avoided things." Hermione replied.

They all continue talking for a while before going their separate ways. Now all alone Hermione returns to her classroom and examines it one last time before she is finally satisfied that it's perfect before going to her rooms to relax.

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