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Hermione, Draco and Dora sat in the Leaky Cauldron waiting on everyone else to come along. "What's taking them so long?" Draco asked. "Dunno? When I left Bella she was in the  bookshop." Hermione replied. "That's when I saw Mione coming out of the quidditch shop and we headed to Fred and George's joke shop before meeting up with you at Madam Malkin's." Dora replied. "Well you know how they are, they always drag their feet when it comes to Christmas shopping. Been that way ever since father and Uncle Ted died." Draco added softly.

Just then the door swung open revealing the three older witches who were laughing about something when they approached the kids. "Already ordered have you?" Bella asked taking a seat next to Hermione who had fish and chips and a butte beer in front of her. "Sorry, we were hungry." Hermione replied softly. "It's alright, I'll go order for us." Cissy replied as she walked over to the bar and told Tom what they wanted.

"So did you all get all your shopping done?" Andy asked looking underneath the table at the bags. "Almost, we got hungry. We did however  get some prank stuff to take back to school." Draco stated with a smile. "Prank stuff? You two don't intend to use that in my classroom do you?" Bella asked eyeing them. "No Auntie! Wouldn't dream of it...would we Mione?" Draco asked teasingly. "Of course not." Hermione said stifling her laugh.

Soon the whole table was laughing as they all ate their lunches. "So no one has anything else to buy?" Cissy asked. "Well, I still have to get Mione something." Dora stated. "Well let's go then. Hermione, you'll come with me, Draco you go with Bella, and Dora you're with Cissy." Andy stated. They stood up shrinking everything so it would fit into their pockets before heading back out into the cold.

Andy and Hermione headed to a trinket shop while everyone else went into bookstores or the quidditch shop.

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