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It was now Christmas Eve which meant that it was also the night of the party. Guests would soon be arriving including the Potters, Weasley's, Lovegoods, Longbottom's, and many others. Draco and Hermione would be walking into the party together as is tradition in the Black family. The youngest member walks in with their guest to the parties and usually had thee first dance together, however in this scenario instead of spending the remainder of the evening together Draco and Hermione would be splitting up to do their own things.

Hermione was now in her own room getting ready for the party. Dora was now finishing up her hair and makeup. "There you look beautiful!" Dora stated looking at Hermione in the mirror. "Thanks Dora. You can go let Draco I'm ready." Hermione stated. "Ok Mione! Don't fall!" Dora teased as eh left the room. A few minutes later Draco arrived at Hermione's door in a deep green suit with black accents. His hair slicked back on his head and a smile on his face when he saw his best friend standing there. "Ya know Granger, if you weren't a bloody raging lesbian I'd probably ask you out!" Draco teased as he put his arm out for her to take.

"I'm out sure how to take that. But thanks!" Hermione replied. "You're welcome. Now let's go shall we?" Draco replied as they began walking towards the stairs. The party was bustling downstairs however it quickly became silent as Cissy clinked her glass. "As is tradition in the Black family the youngest member walks in together with their guest. And this year the youngest member is my son Draco. And his lovely guest is Miss Hermione Granger!" Cissy stated.

"That's our cue!" Draco whispered as they began walking down the stairs. One step at a time. All eyes in the room were now on the duo as they made their way down. However Hermione could only feel one set of eyes boring into her skin as she walked down the stairs. Over in the corner standing in her deep green dress with silver sparkles stood Bella watching Hermione like a hawk.

Once the duo was downstairs Draco lead Hermione into the midst of the dance floor as the music began again. "May I have this dance Mione?" Draco asked bowing to her. "Of course Draco." She replied and they began to dance together to the music. While Bella still watching them closely.

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