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The weekend came and everyone was heading to Hogsmead for the day. Hermione was leading the group while Bella took up the stragglers. Once they made it to the village everyone separated going their separate ways. Hermione went and got her things bought while she watched the students race around the village with their friends. She smiled as she remembered her times here with her friends. Soon she found herself in honeydukes sweet shop looking over different things she could put away in her chambers and in her classroom and office.

Bella on the other hand was wandering around herself looking for nothing in particular. She knew she had to find something to help her woo Hermione again. She knew she had to do a lot of little things to win her love again. She was in the parchment shop buying different things she'd need for the school year, when she found a beautiful quill set. Bella quickly grabbed it and went to pay for her things before leaving the shop behind. 'Perfect!' She told herself as she walked towards the Three Broomsticks to grab lunch. Upon entering she saw Hermione seated with Neville and some students at a booth eating lunch.

Bella walked over to a table where she sat down and ordered a plate of fish and chips and a butter beer. Just before her food was delivered she heard her name being called. "Come sit with us Bella!" Neville exclaimed. Bella got up and walked over to the  booth taking a seat next to Hermione. Once her food arrived she began eating slowly as she felt the brunette move beside her sipping her drink. "So how are things with Luna?" Hermione asked. "Good, good, even though we aren't together anymore we still talk all the time about her adventures with Rolf Scamander. They'll be coming here soon with some new plants for me to study." Neville replied.

"Oh? From where?" Hermione asked. "South America. There a rare breed of plant that the wizarding school there has been breeding. And I'm lucky enough to get to help in the study of them." Neville replied. As lunch went on the conversations about plants and different spells they were working on and how classes were going for the two young professors. "Well time to get heading back to the castle now." Hermione said as they headed out to round up the students.

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