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After the first dance Draco and Hermione went over to their friends and began talking about different things. More songs played in the background as they made small talk. "Hermione?" Blaise asked looking at the brunette witch. "Yes Blaise?" She replied. "Want to dance?" He asked extending his hand. "Sure why not." Hermione replied taking his hand as they headed to the dance floor. This got everyone else to partner off and begin dancing along. Harry and Ginny were gently swaying to the music while Draco began dancing with Pansy and Ron was dancing with Luna. Neville sat in the corner sipping his drink silently when Dora came up and pulled the Gryffindor in for a dance.

Bella silently glared at Blaise and Hermione as they danced together. "Relax Bella. They're just friends. Nothings gonna happen between them." Cissy whispered. As the music played on everyone swapped partners and now Hermione was slow dancing with Fred. Or was it George. Bella could never tell them two apart. "I know. But it should be me she's sharing every dance with." Bella groaned as the song turned into a fast one which caused the younger wizards and witches to all but loose their minds.

"They seem to be enjoying themselves!" James stated as he and Lily joined a table that had Bella and Cissy at. "Yes indeed they do. It's good to see them having fun." Cissy replied as their attention turned to the dance floor where Harry was now dancing with Hermione. "They make a wonderful couple don't they..." Andy stated as she took a seat at the table. "Hermione? And Harry? Oh they're just friends. Harry says she's the brightest witch of her year." Lily added.

"Oh? Bella was that in her year. And I believe you were too weren't you Lily?" Cissy asked. "Yes I was." Lily replied as they watched the kids dance and enjoy themselves.

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