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Hermione hid away from Dora the rest of the day by spending it in the library with Bella. "Hiding from my niece again?" Bella asked. "Yes. But I also wanted to spend time with you. Come on read to me won't you professor?" Hermione asked handing Bella a book. "Come on pet, sit and I'll read to you." Bella cooed as Hermione sat down on the sofa. Bella watched as the brunette girl fell asleep with her head on her lap. Gently she ran her hand through her curly hair smiling to herself as she thought of a future with this young witch.

Flashes of a family flooded her head, she could see it easily as breathing. Two little girls one with dark black hair and the other with chestnut hair. They'd be the most beautiful children in the world. Yes Bella thought a future with this young witch would be the best future in the world. Now the problem was how would she go about properly wooing her. Bella thought on it for a while as the brunette slept on.

The movement of the bed caused Hermione to wake up to a flustered looking Bella sitting on the edge of the bed. "What's wrong Bella?" Hermione asked. "Oh good morning pet, nothings wrong, although it may be if we don't hurry up and get downstairs to decorate the tree." Bella cooed as Hermione sat up rubbing her eyes. "Ok...I'll go shower and get dressed. I'll be down in a few minutes." Hermione replied as she slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

Bella who was already dressed headed downstairs to find her sisters. She had a very important matter to discuss with them. The sound of laughter coming from the kitchen told Bella where her sisters were. "Oh good morning Bella! Sleep well?" Cissy asked. "Yes. But enough of that shit! Now I need your assistance with something." Bella snapped. "What is dear sister?" Andy asked. "I need help wooing Hermione...properly that is." Bella stated. Both younger sisters shared a look. "I thought you were already doing that Bella...I mean shes been in your room every night since she's been here. Not to mention you bought her a ring the other day." Andy stated. "I know. Do you think it'll be enough though? You know to keep her interested in me?" Bella asked sounding worried. "I'm sure if you're just yourself dear sister, and you won't have any problems with Hermione." Cissy stated.

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