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Bella and Hermione went into the bookshop in Diaogon Alley to start their Christmas shopping. "Can you behave Bella?" Hermione hissed as she swatted her hand away. "Can't pet, your to damn beautiful for me not to touch." Bella whispered as she wrapped her arms around Hermione's waist and kissed her cheek. "Bella...we're in public!" Hermione groaned. "Fine pet, but I'm still holding your hand. If people ask why it's because the street's slippery." Bella whispered. They continued walking along looking in different shops. "What are you wanting for Christmas?" Hermione asked. "Anything you get me will be absolutely perfect. Now come on! Let's go pick out stuff you want and then you go off with Draco and Dora I'll be able to get everything you said you want." Bella whispered.

"You don't have to get me everything I want Bella!" Hermione groaned. "Are you telling me no pet?" Bella asked arching an eyebrow at the younger witch. "No..I'm just saying that you don't need to buy me everything." Hermione replied. "Everything you shall have then pet." Bella stated as the headed towards the bookstore. Bella grabbed a couple baskets and told Hermione to fill them with books she wanted. Rolling her eyes Hermione walked around the store looking at books, examining them closely before putting them into one of the baskets. Little did she know that the ones she picked up and put back Bella was putting the into the baskets.

"I'm gonna go to the quidditch shop to look for something for Draco and Harry." Hermione said as Bella paid for the books. "Ok, I'll meet you there in a little bit." Bella replied as she gathered the books and headed towards the jewelry shop just down the street from the bookstore. Hermione looked over everything in the quidditch shop before purchasing a new broom care kit, dragon hide gloves, and a book of the best seekers through the years for Harry, before going over to look at the other side of the shop to buy some stuff for Draco including a few vintage posters of different quidditch teams.

Meanwhile Bella was now standing in between her sisters looking at rings and necklaces for Hermione. "Are you planning on purposing to the girl?" Andy asked teasingly. "One day, but this is for her Christmas gifts. I think this would be nice." Bella said holding up a necklace with an otter charm on it. "It's her patronus." Bella explained as she handed it to the cashier along with some matching earrings. "Add some protective charms on there too." Bella stated as she paid for them.

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