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Slowly the party wound down and everyone began heading home for the remainder of the holiday. Hermione and Draco were now heading back upstairs after hugging and wishing every one of their friends a 'Happy Christmas!' "Where's Hermione?" Bella asked looking around the barren ballroom. "I believe shes gone upstairs with Draco to get ready for bed. She looked rather exhausted." Dora stated. "Exhausted? You say? Well...we'll see about that?" Bella groaned as she began walking up the stairs.

Meanwhile in Bella's room lay a sleeping brunette. Opening the door slowly Bella listened to see if Hermione was sleeping or not. "Hermione?" Bella called out softly as she walked into the room. There laying underneath the covers was Hermione sound asleep. "Ah well...she must be exhausted. Very well then, I'll just get undressed myself and join her in bed." Bella groaned as she waved her wand around letting the gown fall from her body as her hair came undone from the many pins that held it up.

Once she was in her pajamas Bella too climbed into the bed and gently pulled the brunette into her arms before gently kissing her forehead. However sleep didn't come easy to the older witch. No instead she was busy thinking of all the possibilities that could come with the young witch. She could picture a family with her, their kids going to Hogwarts...the whole thing... "That will have to wait till later!" The older witch whispered to herself as she ran her hand over the back of the brunette.

Meanwhile down in the kitchen's a different conversation was happening between the two younger sisters Black. "Well? How long before Bella is purposing to Hermione?" Cissy asked. "I'm not sure. Although I doubt it won't long after graduation. The real question is which of us will be her maid of honor." Andy stated. "It will be me of course!" Cissy stated. "Ha! You wish dear sister! I know it'll be me!" Andy retorted with a smirk as they continued drinking their fire whiskey.

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