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That night Hermione explained to the new Gryffindors what she expected as their head of house. "Anyone have any questions?" Hermione asked. When no one said anything Hermione left the common room and went to her room. Sinking into her sofa she poured herself a glass of fire whiskey while she scratched Crookshanks ears when there was a knocking on the door. "Ugh bloody hell! Who is it?" Hermione asked. "Bella!" The voice stopped Hermione in her tracks. "What do you want?" Hermione asked. "To talk! That's all!" Bella replied. Shaking her head Hermione opened the door. "Come in..." Hermione said holding the door open.

Hermione returned to the sofa and poured another glass of fire whiskey and handing it to the older witch. "Sit...what do you want to talk about Bellatrix?" Hermione asked. "Oh now it's Bellatrix is it? Come on Hermione it's been almost four years! You still can't be upset about that incident can you?" Bella asked. "I'm not upset about that or Astoria's cheating on me with the minister's daughter either! I'm simply using my colleagues name!" Hermione replied. "Astoria cheated on you?" Bella asked. "Yes. Now you said you'd like to talk...what about?" Hermione asked. "Ah yes...I wanted to know if you'd like to have dinner sometime. Get to know each other again...as friends." Bella replied.

Hermione remained silent as she sipped her fire whiskey slowly. "When?" Hermione asked. "I was thinking this weekend. If you're ok with it, we could have it in my rooms." Bella replied. Again Hermione remained silent as she thought over everything. "What time?" Hermione asked. Smiling now Bella replied. "How does six sound?" Bella asked. Hermione read her carefully as she looked to see if the older woman was hiding anything. "I'll be there. Is there anything else?" Hermione asked. "Yes...how have you been these past few years?" Bella asked. "I've been holding my own even after Astoria cheated on me. I have a flat in downtown London, and as you can see I have a cat." Hermione replied. "He's handsome. What's his name?" Bella asked. "Crookshanks. He's actually half keezle." Hermione replied. They continued drinking the fire whiskey and making idle chit chat with one another before Bella took her leave around ten that night.

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