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Hermione was seated in the library working on a paper when she heard footsteps coming up behind her. Turning to see who was approaching her she was surprised to see Cissy walking her way. "Narcissa? Something wrong?" Hermione asked. "No dear...well expect for the fact that you are no longer speaking to Bella...yes I know about everything, and you should know that Trelawney dosed her with a strong love potion. She wasn't cheating on you. However if you do like the Greengrass girl as much as Dora says you look like you do, then Bella will understand. She may not like it, however she will understand. Now...Andy and I are here, as you can tell. Andy is in with Bella now trying to convince her to talk to you." Cissy replied. "I...I have to finish this paper..." Hermione replied. "What on?" Cissy asked.

"Potions...I have to summarize everything we learned from the past seven years. We're supposed pick four potions that have similar ingredients and talk about which ingredients we can substitute." Hermione explained as Cissy began reading over her parchment. A few minutes later Cissy sets the parchment down and looks at Hermione. "If Snape doesn't give you an outstanding on this grade I'll personally speak with him and demand he changes the grade. You know Hermione, you'd make a fantastic healer, or potions mistress....just something to think about." Cissy replied.

Hermione looked at the older witch before sighing. "Do you think I've wrote enough?" Hermione asked. "Of course! You wrote more than enough. Like I said it's outstanding work, now let's go talk to my dear older sister." Cissy replied. Hermione rolled her eyes as she packed her bag up and reluctantly followed Cissy out of the library. "I don't have anything to say to her Cissy!" Hermione stated. "So sit, and Andy and I will do the talking!" Cissy replied as they walked towards Bella's chambers door.

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