Heroes Of The Past And Present

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Arman - First Elemental Master of Fire (Kai and Nya's grandfather)

Artemia - First Elemental Master of Water (Kai and Nya's grandmother)

Draco - First Elemental Master of Earth (Cole's grandfather)

Veton - First Elemental Master of Lightning (Jay's grandfather)

Viserion - First Elemental Master of Ice (Zane's grandfather)

Note: There won't be scenes where their counterparts will be shown since they're not the main focus of the story.

David's POV

"HOW?!" Wu asked

"What's going on over here?" Garmadon asked

"The first elemental masters they're still alive" Wu said

"How?!" Garmadon asked

"That's what I am confused by!" Wu said

"They've been gone for years and thought to be dead" I said

"Well turns out they're not dead" Kai said

Then we heard the others run outside while our counterparts went into the rooms we provided for them just as we were about think more we heard a yell.

"WHO ARE YOU FIVE?!" Cole yelled

Ray, Maya, Kai, Wu, Garmadon and I ran outside and saw them the first elemental masters standing there then I saw Arman look at me.

"Ray? Wu? Garmadon? David?!" Arman asked as the others turned to us

"Arman!" I said as I walked up to him

"Father!" Ray said as he followed me

"Dad who are they?!" Nya asked

"You dont remember them Nya?" Ray asked

"Wait wait wait did you say Nya?" Artemia asked

"Grandfather? grandmother?" Kai asked "WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?" Kai yelled as he was tearing up

"Kai-" Arman got cut off

"You two said you'd be there for us no matter what! And what happens when we need you most? YOU DONT ANSWER!" Kai yelled as he ran inside

"Way to greet your descendants Arman" Draco scoffed

"Oh will you be quiet Draco I've enough of your sarcasm" Arman said

Then Arman went inside and went where Kai went while Nya tried to follow but I stopped her.

"I think you should let your grandfather handle Kai Nya" I said

Arman's POV

I've been gone for a long time since that mission and I knew my grandson would be mad but I didn't think he would be this upset I went in the room where I saw him go in and I opened the door slowly and I saw him lying down on a bed facing the wall on his left so I came in and closed the door and walked to him and sat down on the bed on his right.

"What do you want?" Kai asked with an annoyed expression

"I really messed up didn't I?" I asked

Kai scoffed "you think?" Kai asked sarcastically

"Look, I had to go on this mission and I know I took so long but I had to" I said

"You left me" Kai whispered

"I know I did and I wanted to be there for you and Nya as well but I had no choice" I said

Kai's breath shuddered "I thought you were dead"

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