Evil's Assault

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Kai was the last one to wake up and when he did he saw Nya sleeping beside him he assumed Nya wasn't comfortable sleeping with her nightmares so Kai got up and got dressed in his ninja suit and gently shook Nya's shoulder so that she would wake up Nya woke up and saw Kai waking her up.

"Good morning" Nya said sleepily

Kai chuckled "Good morning Nya now what were you doing in my bed?" Kai asked

"Oh um... couldn't sleep so I- uh" Nya trailed off

"It's fine now let's go the others must be waiting today we're not going there it's let's just say our day off" Kai said

"Ok" Nya said

But when Nya tried to get up she slipped and fell back on the bed while Kai on the other hand was already at the door chuckling so he went over to Nya and held a hand out for her.

"Need help?" Kai asked

Nya didn't answer but she just took Kai's hand and got up then they both went out the room and into the dining room where they saw the others already eating and Cole noticed them.

"Hey! Good morning sleepyheads" Cole said

Wu and David turned around and saw them then David and Wu started chuckling.

"So how was the sleep Nya?" Cole asked

"Oh it was-" Nya got cut off by Cole

"Next to Kai?" Cole said

The others just burst out laughing except for David and Wu they had concerned faces and looked at Nya who ran away.

"Nya wait!" Kai called out

"I should probably come with you Kai" David said

Kai nodded and they both went after Nya Kai looked inside the other's room but Nya wasn't there so David went over to his and Wu's room and found Nya on Kai's bed with her hand on her face soon Kai came over and saw Nya so he went over to her and sat down with her pulling her closer to him.

"Hey... you ok sis?" Kai asked

Nya shook her head

"Why?" David asked

"Because I'm not a kid anymore and I'm still afraid of nightmares when I shouldn't be" Nya said

Kai looked at David he was waiting for a response

"Nya everyone is afraid of nightmares no matter how old they are" David said

"But the others aren't" Nya said

"That may be true but you had a nightmare about Kai and he's your brother" David said walking up to her "Nya... it's natural to be afraid for the people you love especially if their your family"

"Yeah Nya it is, I had a nightmare as well where I lost you ever since that nightmare I couldn't fathom what were to happen if I lost you so it's ok if you feel uncomfortable about that nightmare at the end of the day it was just a vi- I mean a dream" Kai said

"Ok" Nya said

"Why don't you go eat now while me and Kai talk" David said giving Kai a stern look

Nya nodded and went out the room David closed the door.

"Kai! I told you they can't know!" David said

"I know! Ok?! I'm sorry it's just that I feel so guilty for not telling them the truth" Kai said rubbing his arm

"A truth that can lead to disaster they can't know not yet atleast" David said

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