Family Reunion

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Kai's POV

After we helped Zane calm down and he turned on his memory switch and saw his father and basically remembered past then after that we ate then the ninja trained the entire day then we went to bed however after I slept I had a dream of my parents.

The old shop I went inside and I saw a man point a sword at my parents and my dad had his katana as well he did spinjitzu and knocked the man off his feet suddenly some warriors made of snakes surrounded my parents and every time my parents destroyed one warrior it always reformed my parents both did spinjitzu but then another man came.

"Acronix?!" My dad said

I stepped in and did spinjitzu and knocked both of them away the man with gray hair charged towards me I stepped away from him then his brother I think or his son I dunno knocked me back and stabbed a sword through my leg my parents looked at me with worried faces then I got up and did rising dragon and slammed those two into a wall then another snake warrior came in with sensei Wu in a wheel chair knocked out before I could do anymore damage my dad held my shoulder and pulled me close I hugged him then he pulled away.

"Son listen to me we're trapped" dad said

"Where?" I asked

Before I could get a response the old man knocked me out and everything went black.

"NOOOOOOOO MOM, DAD!" I said as I shot up the bed

I saw master David, sensei Wu and Garmadon and the others next to me with concerned looks.

"Kai are you ok?" Sensei Wu asked

Tears streamed down my face "so close" I heard my voice break

"So close what?" Cole asked me

"I was so close" I said as more tears came

Master David pulled me closer he reminded me of my dad

"You were so close to what?" Master David asked

"Finding out where my parents were" I shuddered

Nya gasped and hugged me she too started crying and looked at me with a face of disbelief

"They're not dead Nya" I said

"Kai..." sensei Wu trailed off

"They said they were trapped" I said

"Trapped? Hmm... did you see who were their captors" sensei Wu asked

"I saw an old man who was skilled and a man my dad called I think it was Acronix?" I said

Sensei Wu, sensei Garmadon and master David gasped "Acronix?!" They all said

I just nodded

"How did he return godfather?" Sensei Wu asked

"I don't know but if Acronix was there that means that old man was..." master David trailed off

"KRUX!" All three of them said

"And they have Ray and Maya I heard Krux say that he is going to plan his revenge on something sinister" master David said

Then I heard my dad's voice "a fire will be eternal when it has enough wood just like the fire us fire masters will always be brave and determined if the danger is upon family and our courage will never run out" I remembered he said that

I got up and went into the bridge the others followed I started typing away on the keyboard and pinpointed the location to the old shop.

"Set a course to Four Weapons our parents will be there" I said

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