The Smiths' Ambush

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(So guys I'm gonna focus on Kai's backstory before we get to the ninjas' part and soon you'll see why so til then I hope I don't disappoint anyone but if I do I'm sorry)

A few years passed ever since the battle between Krux and Acronix and a long awaited peace came to Ninjago and their protectors and since that break came the alliance had their own children for Ray and Maya they had two and their names were Kai Smith and Nya Smith and David was also staying with them since he needed a break from being a king.

Early in the morning David, Ray and Maya were still sound asleep because they were exhausted from last night because the alliance had a reunion and the alliance's children just met and when it was time for the alliance to part ways it was already midnight and Kai and Nya were wide awake and they still wanted to play though David was experienced with kids even he had a hard time to put them to sleep eventually Kai and Nya went to sleep but they sure made a mess around the house so they still had to clean that up. And BOY! Was it so messy it was already morning by the time they slept like 1 or 2 am and while they were still asleep Kai and Nya were already awake so they opened the door to where their parents and David were sleeping in and David was sleeping on the chair so Kai and Nya just jumped on their parents.

"Let's jump on them Nya on the count of 3" Kai whispered to Nya

"Ok" Nya said

"1,2,3, now!" Kai said as they jumped on the bed

"Ugh huh? Kai? Nya? What are you two doing up so early?" Ray said sleepily

"Your father's right why are you two up right now?" Maya said very awakened

"We're hungry that's why" Kai said

"Well if your hungry then you both should've just said so and not jump on your parents" David said as he was getting dressed

"Sorry" Nya said

David chuckled "it's fine just maybe next time shake one of us awake hm?"

"Our sensei's right but we can't undo what we've done unless..." Ray trailed off

"No! No! And no! We are not talking about them again" David said

"Let's just go to the kitchen and make you two something to eat hm?" Maya said while ruffling Kai's hair

"Ok" Kai said in between laughs

Ray and Maya both got up from bed and got dressed while David was already done and just reading a book while leaning on the door frame waiting for them while Kai and Nya already went to the dining table waiting for breakfast. Once Ray and Maya were done changing David went to the kitchen to make breakfast let's just say he did it in the most unexpected way possible while Kai and Nya were there as well.

"Alright let's get started"

"Mr. David we're hungry" Kai whined ( and yes they used to call David Mr. David)

"Ok ok just wait I'm gonna prepare some things" David said as he already got what he needed "Ninja-go!"

David did spinjitzu and after a whirl he finished making breakfast and served it of course it was something new to Kai and Nya because the breakfast David made was omelette and of course Kai and Nya were amazed at the food and what David just did they were so amazed.

"Wow! What did you just do?" Kai asked

David chuckled and looked at Ray and Maya with a grin signaling them to explain and to show Kai and Nya what spinjitzu was so Ray and Maya came closer to Kai and Nya because Kai and Nya were sitting together.

"What he just did is called Spinjitzu"

"What's that dad?" Nya asked

"Well spinjitzu is when-" Ray got cut off by the sound of swords slashing and an army shout

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