The Fall Of Garmadon And The Hiding Of The Weapons

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It was a cold evening in the monastery ever since the incident of the corruption David thought it would be a good idea to stay close to the golden weapons to prevent the corruption from coming back after dinner Garmadon said he would stay in the courtyard to train while Wu and David would meditate in their room a few minutes past everything was calm until they heard the doors to the golden weapons open.

"Did you hear that Wu?"

"I did what was that?"

"I do not know but it sounds like it came from the the room where the golden weapons are"

"But Garmadon wanted to train so that must be him"

"But wasn't he bit by the devourer so now he wants the weaponsssss-uh" David said

"HE WANTS THE WEAPONS!" Both of them said

David and Wu rushed to the weapons of the golden weapons and what they saw was horrific Garmadon had red eyes and was holding the sword of fire and the nunchucks of lightning.

"I'm afraid those are for display only" Wu said

"Tell what good is a weapon that's all it's used for collecting dust" Garmadon said

"Don't be a fool father and godfather warned us that their power is beyond any-" Wu got cut off

"Father and Godfather was the fool!" Garmadon said

"How dare you speak so lowly about father and godfather! We made them a promise, these weapons shall not leave this monastery!" Wu said

"Then I shall destroy them and all who stand in my way!" Garmadon said

Garmadon shot out fire from the sword towards Wu breaking his staff however it redirected the fire towards Garmadon which he dodged so the scythe and the shuriken were flung to Wu then he dropped the broken pieces of his staff and grabbed the scythe and shuriken then Garmadon charged towards Wu with the sword up striking Wu but Wu managed to block the sword with the scythe and pushed Garmadon away then Garmadon slammed the sword on the ground then Wu retaliated by slamming the scythe to the ground causing an earthquake in Garmadon's direction which made Garmadon be cast out and into the courtyard down on the ground he sat up when he saw Wu approaching.

"Put those weapons down!" Wu commanded

"You mean like this?" Garmadon said as he jumped up with the sword and striked Wu

Wu blocked it again with the scythe then Garmadon struck Wu again but this time Wu blocked the sword with the shuriken then soon they united the weapons causing a huge blast which sent both brothers in opposite directions Wu was on the ground while Garmadon got up.

"Goodbye brother" Garmadon said

"Garmadon do not do this" Wu said

Just as Garmadon was about to strike Wu the symbols on Wu's kimono started to glow a few seconds after a lightning bolt struck Garmadon and causing another crack in the monastery grounds that lead to the underworld however after the lightning struck Garmadon lost his balance and fell into the underworld.

"No!" Wu said as he tried to catch Garmadon

"Wu I know this was painful for you but you will see him again I just know it! But for now you need to hide the weapons while I make the map"

"Alright where to put them?"

"The sword in the fire temple the nunchucks at the floating ruins (and yes that's where they got it in the pilot episodes) the scythe in the caves of despair and the shurikens in the ice temple"

"Ok but who will we give the map to?"



So as Wu left David got paper and brush and started making the map luckily he memorized the places in ninjago so that helped a lot after he drew the map he marked the places where the weapons are by drawing pictures of the weapons on the places their in when he was done he went to where Ray and Maya was and they were obviously at home with Kai and Nya. Ray was at the forge while Maya was inside with Kai and Nya doing who knows what  so he went to Ray.

"Hello Ray"

"Hey sensei... watcha got there?"

"Oh this?" David said while holding up the map "just a map of where the golden weapons lay"

"Oh that's nice but why are you here?"

"I came here because I know I can trust you with this map"

"Me? Sensei that map is where the golden weapons lay you can't just trust me with that"

"You can hide it now I don't have time to chat because Wu must be back from hiding the weapons so please Ray"

"Alright but on one condition when those two become ninja no matter what don't let them die"


David gave the map to Ray then he went on his way back to the monastery when he got back he saw was already there but he knew he could be here any longer so he told Wu something.


Hey guys sorry this was a short chapter it was because next chapter will be a bizarre one... maybe but anyways I hope you stay and read my chapters so byeeee.

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