The Training soon begins

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"Hello brothers what do you need from godfather?" Quanish said

"Oh nothing brother just need a sensei for David" the first spinjitzu master said

"Very well I knew you'd say that I'll go get him"

So Quanish went to go get their godfather and told him about David how needs a they went to the golden peaks and met a certain man there he was an elemental master of time....

"Hello my old friend" his godfather said

"Welcome back what brings you here at this time?"

"My godson needs a sensei for he will become the next elemental emperor so I was thinking you'd be the perfect sensei with your skills he will learn his true powers"

"Hmmm........ very well David the training soon begins tomorrow morning at 4:30 DONT be late"

David's godfather and brother left the golden peaks to go back to Jamanakai Village meanwhile David and his sensei went inside the monastery to rest....... After a few hours it was sunrise and David awoke to train

"So what's first?"

"Hmmm.... I see the next elemental emperor is intrigued into figuring out his true powers but we must first get to something"

"And what is that?"

"Oh you'll see"

They walked out the monastery they walked across the valleys, roads and across streets then they came upon the palace of David's parents

"Phew that was tiring woah this palace is bigger than I thought it would be why are we here?"

"To get your father's ninja suit and your grandfather's katana and some other things"

"Wait my father was a ninja?"

"Indeed he was a ninja your grandfather was a ninja and a samurai"

"What about my mom and grandmother?"

"Your mother was an elemental master of water,earth and wind she was also the queen on the other hand your grandmother was a sorceress"

"That means my grandmother has a scepter?"

"Indeed we are here to get that too"


They went to his father's quarters where he saw his ninja suit and some scrolls David was about to take some but his sensei didn't let him then they went to his grandparents quarters where David saw the scepter and the katana he took those too he saw his grandfather's armor and tried to get atleast one piece but again his sensei didn't let him finally they went out the palace and went back to the monastery when they got back it was dark but then suddenly someone attacked them it was Quanish.

"Argh Quanish"

"Hehehe just trying to test your patience brother I'll leave now see ya soon"

"Yeah see ya"

"Pay attention! Your training begins now"

"Alright sooooo what do I do first?"

"Learn how to use only bland old weapons in battle"


Then the training began David's sensei taught him how to fight using anything he has at hand or around him just in case he couldn't use his powers then they went to the center of the golden peaks where there was a golden pool then David's sensei said to him to focus really hard on his powers in him in order to create the golden weapons when eventually David created the golden weapons they named them the sword of fire, the nunchucks of lightning, the scythe of quakes and the shurikens of ice David's sensei said that these weapons were not the only golden weapons they walked back to the monastery and his sensei got out several golden weapons his sensei taught him how to use the weapons and he also taught him many tricks on how to use them in difficult situations.

Next his sensei taught him how to do spinjitzu he told David to run across an entire course before he finished his tea then all he has to do is learn how to unlock spinjitzu after a 'few' tries David unlocked spinjitzu so many years have past and now David is an adult then his sensei taught him how to use his elemental powers first his sensei trained him how to use fire and lightning next water and wind next earth and nature next light and shadow and so on David had so many powers that it took him years to learn all of it then David was more than a hundred years old then he was mastering his old self how to use it when needed. Then the time came he went back to Jamanakai Village with the golden weapons and with the other stuff and greeted his brother and his godfather he gave the golden weapons that he created to his brother and told him they must NOT unite then David wanted to create a realm so together with his brother they used the weapons to create a realm named NINJAGO then he created his own kingdom then his brother had two sons which he named Wu and Garmadon.

Years passed and the wars kept going on and on David knew he could never defend Ninjago alone so he decided to take a path of a sensei.....


Soooooo what did y'all think sorry it took soooo long for this chapter but I appreciate the views and those who stayed to read the cure chapters love y'all and hope I can make a chapter 5 today we'll seeeee so byeeeee.

For now.....


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