Big Discovery, Little Protection

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Garmadon's POV

Yesterday was exhausting everyone went to sleep almost immediately and apparently Kai was sleeping in our room which was a surprise but anyways I woke up early in the morning it was still dark out though but I couldn't go back to sleep so I went outside and saw Kai training his skills with his katana he didn't notice me yet.

"I didn't expect you to be up so early" I said

"Huh? Oh sensei Garmadon it's you I thought it was someone else" Kai said

"Why do you call me sensei?" I asked

"It's respectful" Kai said

"But how did you know I was old?" I asked

"Your sensei Wu's older brother and he's old so assumed you'd be old when you were purified" Kai said

"That makes sense" I said

Kai sighed and went back to training I sensed something was bothering him

"Something's bothering you" I said

"Am I that obvious?" Kai asked

"Not that obvious a sensei's instinct" I said

Kai just sighed and put his katana away

"Why are you trying to hide your feelings and problems from others when they could help you?" I asked

"I just don't want to look weak" Kai said

I went to the edge of the ship sitting there and motioned Kai to sit with me he noticed and came.

"Didn't my godfather figure?" I asked

"He did" Kai said

"Well if he did you wouldn't be like this" I said

"Oh trust me he did notice" Kai said

"Well maybe he didn't tell you everything" I said

"What do you mean?" Kai asked

"Have we ever told you or have they ever told you your like your father?" I asked

"No... why?" Kai asked

"Because he's like you always hiding his feelings and problems and we always tell him not to and he always says he doesn't want to look weak" I said

"I know master David always tells me not to hide it but he never tells me why" Kai said

Before I could answer someone already answered for me

"Because if you hide your feelings and problems the next time you have a problem your feelings will cloud and distract you from finding the solution to make the problem seem impossible to solve" my godfather said

Kai and I turned around and saw Wu and my godfather there behind us.

"You have been helping the others with their feelings and problems yet you don't come to them so that they can help you with your problems and feelings and do you see them fear looking weak? Of course not" my godfather said

Wu and my godfather came to sit with us.

"Don't be afraid to ask for help from your allies Kai because the bigger your problems get the weaker you'll become sometimes when we really can't solve our own problems we ask help from others to help us with it" Wu said

"Think of it as your grabbing on the edge of a cliff so you won't fall but you can't get back up and your allies help you up the edge of the cliff are your problems and you need help to overcome it" I said

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