Chapter 59: A Loveless Union

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On that pivotal day, Dante dispatched his chauffeur to collect Zoey. As she arrived at the Civil Bureau, Dante leaned against his sleek black sports car. Zoey stood beside him, and without a word, they entered the building. The marriage certificate was procured, and as Zoey clutched it, her mind churned. She was now wedded to a man who had vowed never to love her. Once, Dante had been her hope for love, but tragedy had shattered that dream. Fate seemed to mock her, binding her to him despite her certainty that Lionel was her true match. A single tear traced her cheek, catching Dante's eye. He maintained his facade, addressing her matter-of-factly.

"Zoey, you're my wife now. Retrieve your belongings from your home. The chauffeur will take you to my place later. I have other matters to attend to," he said, striding away and disappearing into his sports car.

As Zoey rode home, her phone interrupted her thoughts. Her brother's voice crackled with excitement.

"Sister, after our call, men in black suits arrived. Debt collectors were causing chaos until their leader tossed them a blank cheque, mentioning your name. They left without protest. They told us that our brother-in-law sent them to help ua out. Sister, are you married?"

Zoey managed a sad smile. "I promised I'd handle it, and yes, I am. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. "

"Mother's being transferred to another hospital in the city, and we're off to a boarding school abroad all thanks to our brother-in-law. How rich is your husband?" her brother asked, blissfully unaware.

"You'll find out. I'll be unreachable for a while. Don't call me," Zoey replied, ending the call.

Meanwhile, Dante entered the family mansion, where Selena sat engrossed in a book. He approached her, delivering the news.

"I'm returning to my house," he informed her.

"Excuse me? What's wrong with this house, Dante?" Selena's surprise was evident.

"I can't stay here with my wife," he retorted.

"Wife!?" Selena stood, incredulous.

"Yes, wife. I'm married," Dante declared, annoyance coloring his tone.

"You're lying!" Selena's voice rose.

Dante's expression turned deadly serious. "Watch your words, Selena. Our past is just that-past. You're married to Dustin, aren't you? So why begrudge my marriage? As my cousin, I advise you to focus on your own relationship. I didn't know you were my cousin when I pursued you. But now, stay in your lane and never raise your voice at me again." With that, he stormed out, leaving Selena in turmoil.

Selena's anguish and fury erupted like a tempest, her voice tearing through the silence of the grand room. Her hands clawed at her tresses, a physical manifestation of the torment wrenching her soul.

"I should've never hurt him! Marrying Dustin was a mistake-especially when Dante needed me most!" she bellowed, her words laced with venom and sorrow. The walls seemed to absorb her scream, her regret echoing back at her, a cruel reminder of her betrayal.

Her heart pounded with remorse, each beat a drum of what could have been-a symphony of missed chances and misguided decisions. The realization that she had wounded the one person who loved was a bitter pill, and it filled her with a searing rage against herself.

"Damn it all!" Selena raged, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions. The room, once a sanctuary, now felt like a prison, holding her captive with the ghosts of her past decisions.

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