chapter 38

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Leaving the party early, Mia dropped Zoey at her house. In the underground parking lot, Mia faced Zoey and asked.

"Ain't that Dante's car?" She asked, laughing. Zoey followed suit.

"You know I didn't want that, but to heck with it, I'm coming with it to work tomorrow."

"I support you. At least somethings paid off, and I'm sure he won't even notice. That guy is now" no finding the right words she just said, "I don't know."

"Be glad I'm not sad and heartbroken. Otherwise, you'd feel like shit for me,"

They laughed.

"You know Zoey, I think we were met to find each other, so I got you something. I designed them myself. I hope you like yours. "

She took out two pendents. They both had the initials, "𝓜𝓩" imprinted. It was simple but screamed wealth.

"I love it." Zoey said, hugging Mia

"Promise to never take it off," she continued.

"Best friends?" Mia asked, uncertain.

"Of course."


The next day, Zoey took Dante's car to work. She spotted one of the girls from yesterday on the reception. She went over, greeted her politely, and asked where she would be working.

The girl went with her to the top floor using the executive elevator.

"This is your office, Zoey. If you need anything just call me. I'll be at your service"

And she left. Zoey got down to designing her dress. A few minutes later, Mia walked in. They chatted, and finally, it was time to go home. Zoey went with 'Her car' home. The following days were her back and to work days with a little chatting with Chloe and her aunts on video calls. The only person she saw from Dante's circle was Mia. Only her.

Before she went to bed, she would always pray to forget about Dante like he never existed. She kept telling herself that he was a mere crush and it's time to move on.

One day, she went to get groceries at night, a few minutes after eight.  She didn't go with her car and so as she was walking down the eerie streets she had footsteps behind her. Adrenaline started rushing in. She didn't look behind to see who it was. She  quickened her pace, and so did the stranger's footsteps. She was frightened, terrified, to be exact. She started running, and the person behind her followed. She hadn't run a distance of fifty meters when someone caught her wrist and pulled her to himself.

"Please don't hurt me," she said with eyes closed and silent tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Zoey, it's me, Lionel. I'm not gonna hurt you, "

It was then that she opened her eyes slowly and looked up, facing his handsome face. He was holding her by her shoulders, and before he could soothe her, she hugged him, sobbing.

"Lionel, you asshole! Don't creep up on me again. "

Lionel hugged her even tighter.

"I'm sorry. I saw you leaving the grocery store, and I called out to you. You were immersed in your thoughts that you didn't hear me. I wanted to offer you a drive home. It's not safe for a woman to walk alone at night. Can I walk you home?"

Zoey didn't refuse him. She surely needed some company who was  not Mia. They walked for a while in silence until Lionel broke it, with a blow to Zoey's heart.

"So, how's your husband? "

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