Chapter 3: Chloé's Request

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Zoe and Chloe arrived at the café, and found a table near the window. They ordered some snacks and drinks, and sat down. They started to chat, and found that they had a lot in common.

They talked about their likes and dislikes, their hobbies and interests, their dreams and hopes. They laughed and joked, and shared some stories and secrets. They felt a connection, and enjoyed each other's company.

They forgot about their troubles, and focused on the present. They forgot about the bully, and the mall. They forgot about Dante, and the office.

They felt like they were just having fun.

But they were not the only ones who noticed their bond. There was someone else who saw them, and admired them. Someone who thought they were beautiful, and special.

It was a woman who was sitting at another table, across from them. She was a photographer, who was working on a project about families. She was looking for subjects, who could represent different types of families. She was looking for people, who could show the meaning of love.

She saw Zoe and Chloe, and she was captivated. She saw their smiles, and their eyes. She saw their gestures, and their expressions, resemblance, and their difference.

She thought they were perfect. She thought they were mother and daughter. She thought they were family.

She decided to approach them, and ask them a favor. She took her camera, and walked over to their table. She said in a friendly and polite voice:

"Excuse me, ladies. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I couldn't help noticing you. You are both so beautiful, and you look so happy. Are you mother and daughter?"

Zoe and Chloe were surprised by the woman's question. They looked at each other, and didn't know what to say. They didn't know how to explain their situation, or their relationship. They didn't know how to answer her.

Zoe was about to say something, but Chloe spoke first. She said in a confident and proud voice:

"No, we're not. She's my dad's assistant, and I'm his daughter. We're not family."

Zoe was shocked by Chloe's answer. She didn't expect her to say that. She didn't know why she said that. She didn't know how she felt about that. The woman smiled, and said in an surprised and curious voice:

"Oh, I see. That's interesting. How did you two meet? How long have you known each other?"

Zoe and Chloe were stunned by the woman's questions. They didn't know what to do, or say. They didn't know if they should tell her the truth, or lie. They didn't know if they wanted to talk to her, or not.

But they didn't have a choice, or a chance. The woman took their silence as a invitation, and said in a grateful and cheerful voice:

"Thank you for letting me talk to you. I'm a photographer, and I'm working on a project about families. I think you would be perfect for it. Please, can I take a picture of you?"

Zoe and Chloe were confused by the woman's request. They didn't know what to do, or say. They didn't know if they should agree, or refuse. They didn't know if they wanted to be in a picture, or not.

But they didn't have a choice. The woman took their silence as a consent, and said in a excited and enthusiastic voice:

"Great. Thank you so much. You are so kind and generous. Just sit there and smile. I'll be quick. Don't worry."

She took out her camera, and aimed it at them. She said in a cheerful and encouraging voice:

"Ready? One, two, three. Smile!"

She pressed the button, and took the picture. She looked at the screen, and smiled. She said in a satisfied and happy voice:

"Perfect. You look amazing. You look like a real family. Thank you for letting me take your picture. You made my day."

She showed them the picture, and they looked at it. They saw themselves, sitting at the table, smiling at the camera. They saw their faces, their features, their resemblance, and their difference.

Chloe felt a surge of emotion, and knew what it was. She felt a wish and a desire, of longing and dreaming, of wanting and needing. She felt something, and knew what it was.

She felt a need, for a family.

She looked at Zoe, and said in a sincere and hopeful voice:

"Zoe, can I ask you for something?"

Zoe looked at Chloe, and said in a gentle and curious voice:

"Sure, Chloe. What is it?"

Chloe took a deep breath, and said in a soft and shy voice:

"Zoe, can you be my mom?"

Zoe gasped, and didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to respond to Chloe's question. She didn't know how to react to Chloe's request.

She looked at Chloe, and said in a quiet and surprised voice:


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