chapter 43

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As the evening waned and the guests dispersed, Mia found herself dialing Zoey's number. The party had been a whirlwind, and she was eager to share the night's events with the true star of the show.

"Zoey, you won't believe what happened," Mia began, her voice a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Zoey's voice, curious and tinged with amusement, came through the phone. "Tell me everything."

Mia recounted the tale, her words painting the scene of the auction room, the escalating bids, and the final breathtaking moment when Dante offered a billion dollars. She described the crowd's reaction, the mix of shock and admiration, and how Dante's eyes had held a challenge that went beyond the mere purchase of a dress.

Zoey listened in silence, absorbing every detail. When Mia finished, there was a pause, and then Zoey laughed—a rich, warm sound that seemed to fill the room even through the phone.

"I left early because of something.  I'll tell you about later, " Zoey said, her voice filled with wonder. "Dante bought the dress for a billion dollars? That's insane!"

"It's not just the dress he's after," Mia said, remembering Dante's intense gaze. "He's intrigued by the story behind it, by the artistry. And he's interested in meeting you."

Zoey was quiet for a moment, and Mia could almost picture her, the brilliant but reclusive designer, contemplating the implications. "Well, he can be as intrigued as he likes," Zoey finally said, her tone light but firm. "The mystery is part of the allure, isn't it?"

Mia smiled, knowing Zoey was right. "Absolutely. And your designs have never been more alluring."

They talked a little longer, discussing future plans and the excitement that the auction had generated. As they said their goodbyes, Mia felt a surge of gratitude for her friend, the hidden genius behind the night's success.

Thinking back to Dante, maybe they are meant to be together after all. What's meant to be yours will always find its way to you. She felt bad that something like that happened to Zoey at the mideast of something real happening between the two.

'Damn, I forgot to tell Zoey about what I did.' She thought, feeling a little guilty. She hit Zoey's phone again and said

"Hey, I'll be there in a few minutes. I need to confess something," and  hung up, not giving Zoey a chance to reply.

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