chapter 40

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Zoey stepped into the grand hall with a grace that seemed to quiet the murmurs of the crowd. The simplicity of her attire, a flowing gown of soft ivory, contrasted with the opulence around her. It was elegantly tailored, accentuating her poised figure without the need for ornate embellishments. The fabric caught the light with every movement, casting a warm glow on her surroundings.

Her presence was like a gentle breeze, refreshing and unassuming, yet impossible to ignore. The gown's neckline was modest, adorned only by the faintest glimmer of a delicate silver necklace. The sleeves, long and sheer, billowed slightly as she moved, whispering against the air with a sound like distant waves.

Zoey's hair, a cascade of rich chestnut waves, was gathered in a loose chignon, a few tendrils framing her face and highlighting her soft, thoughtful eyes. There was an air of serenity about her, a quiet confidence that spoke volumes more than the loudest gowns in the room.

As she walked, the crowd parted, not out of obligation but out of an unspoken admiration. She carried with her an aura of understated elegance, a beauty that needed no announcement, for it was evident in her every step, her every smile, her very essence. Lionel walked up to her, lost in her eyes. People kept staring at them as they were the spotlight. He slightly leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"You look beautiful like always,"

To the onlookers, it appeared as Lionel-a doting and loving boyfriend was telling his beautiful girlfriend how much he loved her. The scene was cute and was multiplied by the soft blush that appeared on Zoey's face.

They walked hand in hand to their table. Before the show began, Zoey heard whispers behind her.

"Wasn't she rumored to be with Dante Blackwood? What is she doing with Lionel? Isn't he the CEO of Greene?"

"Who is this lady? I don't think she's from a wealthy family. I just think she's where she is now, thanks to climbing other people's beds."

The whispers went on and on, and Lionel heard them too. He just shot them a death stare that they kept quiet before throwing Zoey's back a disgusting glare. These words didn't get to Zoey,  she was used to public criticism. Even from a young age, people called her the devil's daughter. They called her all sorts of names and made her feel small in a big world. They used to make it sound like it was her fault her father was a cheating bastard. They made it sound like it was her bad for not having a father like other kids. During childhood, she'd cry herself to sleep every night until her mother told her that if she breaks down, what could happen to her little brothers. Since childhood, at the age of 13, she started building her own shell hard enough for no one to break. Their words meant nothing.

"Who are you?" She asked with a serious expression eyes fixed on the models walking down the Red carpet.

"I'm who they said I am," Lionel innocently admitted.

"So you not a manager at that Café  and working as a gymnastics teacher was all crap?" She asked with her cool.

"I'm -" not giving him a chance to apologize, she faced him with a hurtful gaze.

"Why did you lie to me?" She asked, taking her clutch and hastly walking out.

Lionel followed, running after her. The onlookers just exchanged glances before focusing on the show.

"Zoey, wait!" Lionel said, holding her wrist. She hushly shook it off and yelled

"Get your filthy hands off me! You thought I'd be with you for your money, right? For over 2 years, I was nothing more than a gold digger in your eyes. What do you take me for?!"

"Zoey, I'm sorry -"

"I don't wanna hear it, Mr Lionel Greene. Stay the fuck away from me" she said and got into her car and accelerated off.

"Fuck!!!" Lionel cursed aloud messing up his hair out of frustration.

"Do you think you can stand a chance?" A man emerged from the shadows with a mocking smile.

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