The oni warlord

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A long time ago in the realm of oni and dragon there was a war between both the oni lord and the dragon king every time each side would fight one another every day neither side giving up each side kept fighting on until their leaders perish the oni lord wields a staff that is completely black and it shoots out a purple aura that destroys anything in its path it also creates black tentacles that trap the target in this case the target would be the dragons on the other hand the dragon king who is also the father of all dragons wields powerful elemental powers and the other dragons have powers too. The dragon king's power is too powerful in that case every oni lords has perished because of it.

That all changes when a special oni is born......
He would be the first oni lord to bring glory to his kingdom or was he?

After his father passed he became the oni lord and wielded the oni staff and the dark blade then he studied
all of the past wars from the walls of their cave and saw his ancestors fail each war but he couldn't understand
how his ancestors kept failing when both sides had equal power and while he was studying the past he stumbled upon
a kind of metal it was the color orange and black combined.

"Hmm? Why is this metal hear ugh maybe another useless metal better destroy it" he said in anger and confusion

But when he tried to destroy the metal it just stopped his powers

"What?! Why don't my powers have any effect on this metal hmmmm...... I should report this to my brother he's excellent at this stuff" he said

So he took some of the metal as samples and walked back to his kingdom and he might've bumped into some dragons but eventually he got home and gave the metal to his brother.

"Brother!" He said

"Yes what is it?" His brother said

"I found some kind of metal in the cave and it just canceled out my powers do you think it might affect the dragons too?"

"Hmmm..... some kind of metal that cancels powers I think it could only one way to find out"

"Alright then! You tell our craftsman to make weapons out of it while I study more"

His brother nods and he goes back to the cave and starts to study again and he found a pattern between every war in the past every oni lord kept showing their true power to the dragons intruding their territory and in that case the dragon king knows what to be aware of and with that he went back home this time with a plan.

"My lord!" His right hand said

"Hmm? Yes what is it?"

"Dragons are attacking the empire aren't you going to do anything about it?"

"No... I have a plan"

"And what might that be?"

"You see... my ancestors kept on showing their full and true power to the dragon intruders so that the dragon king knows what he should be aware of"


"If I lay low during each intruder attack and during the final battle between each leader the dragon king won't know what to expect" he smirks

"That is truly evil" he also smirks

Then both of them cackle loudly and so it was set he would lay low until the final battle begins many years and many battles later the dragon king eventually came... but this time the dragon king had a person with him who has something called "Spijitzu" but it didn't matter to him he prepared to take down the dragon king once and for all.

"Brother catch!" He threw a sword made of the metal which he calls vengestone

He catches it "thanks brother"

"My army it is time! The army fight the dragons my best warriors fight the human and the stronger dragons and brother your with me"

They all marched out the empire and prepared for war but little did the oni lord know he was in for a little surprise before he takes down the dragon king.....

"Father is he the oni lord?" The human said

The dragon king nods

"Ahhh the dragon king you have no idea what I am capable of dont you" he smirks " FOR THE GLORY OF THE ONI! CHARGEEEE!"

And the battle began the oni lord attacked the dragon king by using his oni blade and strikes the back and the wing of the dragon king. The dragon king roars in pain the human hears this but he couldn't help his father he was being attacked all he could do was watch in horror meanwhile the oni lord blasted out a beam of purple aura at the dragon king when the dragon king had a chance he blasted a fury of lava at the oni lord but it had no effect the oni lord was smirking because the vengestone was working the oni lord knocked the dragon king down and as he was about to do the finishing blow someone called out to him.

"STOP!" someone said

He looked to his right and saw a person covered in light approaching him.

"Who are you? AND WHAT DO YOU WANT!" He said as he prepared his staff

"You were misplaced David" the person covered in light said

"What do you mean misplaced? And how do you know my name?"

"You see that human over there I created him you see the oni I created them you see the dragons I created them this world your in I created it and I also created you"

"Ok but what do you mean misplaced because I feel right at home here"

"You see I did create you but you were never meant to be on the dark side the dragons, me and that human are your allies or were supposed to be"


"If you take my hand I will promise you great power and you will be on the right side"

David hesitated but accepted and he took his hand but his brother grabbed his arm and said something to him

"Brother promise me you'll come back"

"I promise"

Then he let go.....

Then they were transported to a black void.......


Soooooo how was it? Oh by the way the next chapter will be quite short but I promise the next chapter after that will be a bit longer and I appreciate that you read this this is actually my first book written on wattpad so if there are any supports I appreciate it


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