new friend

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Haru pov
Lot of days were passed and me and seo yo ji literally became good friends. She was very generous and humble person. We hangout in different places.
" Do you want something??"
" No, I am full."
"Ok, I will pay and don't you dare to say anything about it."
" We can spilt it too."
" No, don't need to it."
I was quite nervous to be in that luxury place. From the very starting, I was always in tight budget and all those luxury hangouts were amusing for me. It breaks my heart that I kept my identity secret to such a sweet girl. In this whole time, she introduced me new friends, new places, new foods. And tbh, it sounds like a magical to have all this thing at once. My mind shifted from studying to more like a modeling and materialistic things. How my life was feeling like a glamorous. With her, I was able to experience everything I once dreamed. And the smell of the money running in my nose makes life so much easier. I spent more of time in modeling and hangouts.
While this all these things surrounding me, I and Kate became good friends. We had kind of sarcastic bond with each other. And he held a bit of respect of me that how he was so much workaholic. But his expression were always distressed. And I never heard a word of his loved ones from mouth. And the moment, I talked about lovers or crush, he either stop talking or turn very furious. Regardless of his personal life, his professional was way more interesting. He, in his simple outfit, orders everyone like a boss. I also didn't share much info about my personal life too.
One day, we decided to celebrate our new project in a restaurant. Where we endlessly drinking like a hell. Having a competition that who will pulled more shots and won't passed out.
"4 shots"
"Loser, mine 5."
"Don't hype, I wasn't on my limit and now this is my 6 shots."
"Cool dude, you were looking like you would puke on the floor. Your cheeks seem like they goona explode."
"I said, I wasn't on my limit , this is 8th one." I was pulling my 6th one and felt quite dizzy and blurry in vision. It was better as I was in my consciousness level. On the other hand, in his 9 th shots. He was babbling some stuff , his eyes were looking hadn't slept for days.
I was in my brink too and kept on forgetting the details.
In between, waiter came to ask us that were we done or not yet??. He handed out some bucks without considering the bills. I was also blinking quite often. It was his 10th drink and he was not ready stopping himself. I snatched his drink which we could count like 11 or 12th.
" Let me Luna, you are always annoying like that. You never understand me in no way. Are you blind when it comes to my feelings. All you babbled about that jerk. You can't let me have a drink either."
" You, jackass one sided Romeo. I ain't your crush. This is enough,  you are in the verge of passing out. "  He held my hand and the drink which I was holding spilled on my white pants. He grabbed my neck with other hand. I was all blank and was delaying the responses. He came close to me. All I did was closing my eyes and let my heart raced up.He touched my lips but it was his finger.
He slowly whispered in my ears.
" Not yet, will make your first kiss with mine in church, in front of my father. "
My heart was beating without any counting. In a such a fast phase, that every bloodstream was strained by all the pressure. Making me whole numb. Is this a feeling of alcohol or his close presence. His heavy breath between words were shivering my neck. I was having altogether blurry sight but his face was somehow way too clear. His tired face and all hot temperature in his face. His face was burning hot, I could feel that with my glare. My all wide eyes, I was staring his eyes . And suddenly, he slept on my shoulders. Snoring peacefully and my heart was aching with all this continuous harsh blood pumping. My stomach was feeling uneasy like someone put a load of rock on it. It must be after effects of alcohol or I am dead.
I asked the waiter to call us a taxi. Meanwhile, he was resting  in my shoulder. In my mind, all I was hearing my heart rushing in pace like it was in run on treadmill.
When the taxi arrives, I was dragging that whole drunken monster ass  on my shoulder. He was like a elephant for my small body. I somehow managed, to put that shit in taxi.
When I arrived at my home, I gave him his money, even though I am half ass drunk, I am still accurate with my bills.
I told him his adress and made sure about his safety . He seemed to be nice person.  All I did was sound sleeping after that.

Hope you enjoyed it.💕💕💕💕💕

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